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# b3ta seems to be eating itself from the inside at the moment
(summary: a rant that makes hardly any sense and goes off on a load of tangents and says nothing particularly new teling you to BE NICE when in reality I have no power over any of you)

b3ta seems like a tug of war team- One side uber-fluffy and nice, and the other posting messages of abuse at any and all members. God knows who will win. It may never end. Or maybe the rope will break.

here is a short (ok, long) history of fluff/anti-fluff

b3ta was created as somewhere to post recent projects. For example, flash movies, or photoshopped images.The first few days were a fluffy time, with nothing but fun conversation.

Then b3ta got more popular- I don't know what happened inbetween the time where it became an image board and when I joined, but there was probably some sort of rise in trolls and the birth of the bandwagon- which is not good. The owner's no-ban-except-in-emergencies policy is backfiring on itself.

However, when I joined things were actually ok, seeing as I posted a five-minute image made in paint and didn't get any kind of bad comments. From what I remember, if an image was bad people didn't go into a Baz-style fury, instead they just didn't post any reply. Of course, there was a bit of meanness from the older (who had probably joined after the text-thread era), what-is-b3ta-becoming members, but they weren't much of a problem, apart from when the occasional newbie who didn't know about the nonexistent rule of 'threadwasting' showed up.

Then, as an attempt for fluffiness, moaning about threadwasting was banned. That didn't stop people moaning about it... but general okay-ness came into existence. There was also a swear filter put in, but when that was removed it discussion related to it generally faded away and things returned to the way they had always been.

Now we're getting wave after wave of unfluffy newbies, who are used to the I-am-better-than-you-because-I-hurl-more-insults-at-you-in-one-post culture of bulletin boards. Also, other newbies had abuse hurled at them when they joined, which makes them unfluffy in a two-wrongs-make-a-right way.

People like myself and Lemony and other people with numbers and obscure spellings in their username that I can't be bothered to remember are trying to stop this with constant posting of fluffy images. This is doing fuck all though.

Now most of the older members have left in a fit of what-the-hell-happened-here and this place is getting overrun by the unfluffy newbie, which annoys me immensely. And fluffier newbies feel the need to say 'sorry if I've bothered you- i'm just working out photoshop' when they shouldn't have to.

Now as we're so busy telling people to cock off and telling people to not post pictures telling people to cock off, and telling people that fluffiness is annoying and telling people to tell people that telling people to tell people is telling people, we're forgetting the original point of this board.

To post things you've made.

Not to comment on the existence of threadwasting. Not to tell people to cock off as 'I want an excuse to use my new image'. Just to post things you've made and comment on others.

I'm not proposing some Nazi Talk-about-b3ta-and-die leadership, just try to remember what this board was created for: discussion and projects.

Also, stop the ipod bandwagon. it's not worth it.

And finally, don't post huge essays on the state of b3- oh, wait.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:49, archived)
# the fluffly people will win!
huzzah - to victory
dunno whats going to happen tho

i appreciate the small text
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:52, archived)
# sounds familiar
I used to be an active member of a 3d virtual reality chat environment, more info in my profile.

There always ends up being people who just hate you no matter what you do.

it could be jelousy, i'm not sure, but i'm new, and am trying to get into the swing of it all, always been a 3D typa guy, so most of this stuff is new and interesting. I hope it stays that way, as i expect we all do.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:04, archived)
# Bravo!
Well said.

EDIT: Let the smart ass comments from non-contributing posters begin!
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:52, archived)
# Bite me
oh wait...
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:57, archived)
# ha
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:58, archived)
# I just like looking at the funny pics
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:52, archived)
# huzzah
youve got the right idea - as long as you dont get unfluffy about pictureless-threads
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:53, archived)
# natch
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:57, archived)
# I agree
that said I didn't read much of it but you're probably right.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:53, archived)
# Thora Hirded


hoot hoot

(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:53, archived)
# Gosh
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:53, archived)
# b3ta is pretty good at the moment
people make interesting non-image threads, such as this one, I see quite a few more older members than I did a while ago. However there are quite a few more annoying people, they haven't been to the status of 'troll' just kind of lots of new people with strange ideas.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:53, archived)
# do i count as an annoying new person
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:54, archived)
# no no no no
of course not, just people who misbehave
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:55, archived)
# new people are great
there just seem to be a few annoying ones
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:55, archived)
# Only if you've been
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:56, archived)
# welllllllllllllllll
I'm fairly new, and most people have either been extremely nice about my pics or they've taken the time to point out the errors I've made...I didnt bother about someone pointing out the FAQ as i wasnt used to a site like this ans once i read it I kinda got the idea of it all. thanks for being nice to me, and hey everyones new once
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:54, archived)
# hat
doffage all round
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:01, archived)
# i can't read that much but erm...
are you pro fluff, anti fluff or pro-choice?
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:54, archived)
# pro-worry
I think
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:55, archived)
# :P
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:56, archived)
# pro fluff
anti bandwagon
anti cunt
pro nice new people
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:56, archived)
# anti bandwagon :(
but but but...
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:57, archived)
# well
it is in the faq, but I like a good bandwagon from time to time. Just as long as people dont drag it on for ages
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:00, archived)
# Let's all start
an anti-bandwagon bandwagon. Oh the irony!
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:00, archived)
# like this?
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:06, archived)
# Just pro behave
I think
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:57, archived)
# Baz is the funniest person
on b3ta.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:55, archived)
# if b3ta gets too fluffy
will it become boring
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:56, archived)
can you feel the excitement?
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:57, archived)
# yeah
its like an inslutive-electicity you cum-guzzling cock munching vagina twister
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:57, archived)
# baz is like the queen
but with better legs... 100% fact
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:56, archived)
# I hope
it works.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:55, archived)
# I think it will have some small effect
which will wear off later. Doesn't bother me much either way.

Moderators are important, and this board is moderated, so everything will be fine.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:02, archived)
# well said.
i came here to escape from the senseless tedium of chatrooms of various kinds and in an effort to find some funny things to look at (although I still maintain that the buffy keyboard and the moon song are the funniest things since 'the' parrot sketch).

I agree that people should be able to post whatever stuff they come up with (because, let's face it, your mates get bored when you keep emailing stuff to them) and that other people who don't get the idea should, well, refrain from saying anything.

In short, more woo to your elbow....

(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:55, archived)
# same here.
I like this place.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:09, archived)
# i need optrex
and paracetamol
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:58, archived)
# i mainly get annoyed with stupid people
does that mean im bad?
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 22:58, archived)
# it means your clever
unless you hate yourself
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:00, archived)
# i mainly just sit here
writing rubbish that makes me, and noone else, laugh, does that make mean i've gone over to the dark side?
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:01, archived)
# I've
been reading this board for about a year and half, but whenever I decided 'hey, perhaps I should post summat' I was scared off by.. erm.. something or other. The replies to my first post made me all smiley, though.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:07, archived)
# This is a prime example of how non-image posts can get away with *not* being a threadwaste.

I've been around here a while now and threadwasting existed when I joined. I think the major difference is that instead of moaning about wasting threads, people told you to threadjack instead. Threadjacking seems to be a dying art.

Threadwasting gets right on my tits, just like anyone else. If people didn't moan about it it'd happen all the time and this place would go to hell in a handbasket far quicker than just from people moaning.

I rarely see any unjustified flaming. People are generally fluffy to the new folk who are genuinely lost/confused.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:08, archived)
# I completely 100% agree with you

(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:13, archived)
# Yaaaay

Can I ask what the lumpy bits are?

I'd presume chocolate, but I've been around B3ta long enough to know better.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:17, archived)
# quote
"we're forgetting the original point of this board.

To post things you've made."

Agreed. BUT isn't there a wee little bit more to that??? To post stuff you've made and see what people think about it.

If none of us commented about pictures, we'd miss chances to learn.
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:11, archived)
# things are mainly fine here
most people only say good things, and just ignore your pics if they're shite - we've all been there (looks around anxiously - we *have* havn't we?) - thread wasting is a teensy bit annoying, but Christ, hardly a crime, and it's not as bad as linking a perfectly innocuous pic (the baby. anyone remember the baby? it was a *baby*, and they linked it...grrrr). Things are generally fine, some days are fluffy, some are spiky, but it's ok....

now, stand away from the mouse, everything will be ok, just keep your hands where we can see them...
(, Sat 3 Apr 2004, 23:17, archived)