... I reveal my crapness with PSP to the world and post something to the board.

This is, I like to think, the start of a spate of 'unexpected product hybrids'.
Disclaimer: I'm not chavist, or chanelist, just had this flash into my head last night.
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:40,

This is, I like to think, the start of a spate of 'unexpected product hybrids'.
Disclaimer: I'm not chavist, or chanelist, just had this flash into my head last night.

nice idea! don't worry about the execution too much, the idea's the important thing...
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:41,

no duty to pay on industrial methanol
(note: this post contains glaring factual errors inserted in the interests of humour. Do not begin stockpiling methanol on my advice. I am not a qualified tax expert)
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:50,
(note: this post contains glaring factual errors inserted in the interests of humour. Do not begin stockpiling methanol on my advice. I am not a qualified tax expert)

I once took a swig of aftershave (totally off my head at the time) as it said that it contained 80% alcohol.
Trust me, never try it. It took my throat out and I could not speak for over a day. My breath smelt good though.
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:44,
Trust me, never try it. It took my throat out and I could not speak for over a day. My breath smelt good though.

I'm not topographist; I just can't stand them non-euclidians comin' over 'ere and pinching our multidimensional continua.

a klein bottle.
four dimensional, no less.
and that's the limit of my understanding
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:47,
four dimensional, no less.
and that's the limit of my understanding

a Klein bottle in half, you get two interlocking Mobius strips. Fact.
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:48,

that's starting to mess with my head.
in short, thats enough!
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:49,
in short, thats enough!

are they linked like two links in a chain, or are they separate?
I'm having a hard time visualising it.
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 18:12,
I'm having a hard time visualising it.

but yours is a good "hahahaha" rather than an "Ooh, yes".
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Fri 23 Jul 2004, 17:53,