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# Isn't it remarkable
the difference a little punctuation can make...

(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:17, archived)
# Heh
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:18, archived)
# I read that
and felt compelled to sigh wearily after the last word.
Mission accomplished, I reckon.
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:19, archived)
# did you know
that all the women of Iraq recently shaved their unmentionables as part of a protest against the war?

no bush in Iraq
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:19, archived)
# three elephants jump off a cliff...
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:29, archived)
# hehe
(, Fri 27 Aug 2004, 15:20, archived)