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i wanted to
photoshop this, but couldn't think of anything that would make it funnier.
stouffer ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:22,
archived )
and look - they've got an on board camera at the front to catch the action so's we feel we're in the driving seat. Marvellous.
Fat Boab of dailyreckless.com fame ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:24,
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Fat Boab of dailyreckless.com fame ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:38,
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that's quickedy woo
brainstuff can eat a whole shredded wheat ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:47,
archived )
Handles the cobbles well
and it more interesting than watching F1
bean ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:52,
archived )
not even a face swap?
trust me if all else fails go for a face swap
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:24,
archived )
mccrirrick's head
would sit nicely on one of those
munkt0n ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:25,
archived )
try it then
i don't think it will make much differenceafternoon everyone btw
aubergene ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:26,
archived )
or maybe not
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:32,
archived )
or maybe
this one seemed to amuse me more than the headswap idea
barnesy ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:37,
archived )
despite myself. Your theory is right, professor
Oscar Wildebeest ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:42,
archived )
That works
for me.
brainstuff can eat a whole shredded wheat ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:46,
archived )
I love Tipping the Velvet (or was that Spanking the Monkey?)!
Bob Hopelessness ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:48,
archived )
Nah it was Munching the Carpet
Pootle ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 12:01,
archived )
perhaps a rape joke
they are really funny. edit: sorry this john leslie shit is doing my head in. i like the b/w pic though :)
mnb098mnb used to be here ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:25,
archived )
clouds. trees
kittens. the smiles on youngsters faces. the music of the ramones. necklaces made of sweets. these are a few of my favourite things.
stouffer ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:27,
archived )
sweetie necklaces!
I LOVED those. And sweetie watches - you ate off all the bracelet and then had a big sweetie watch-face at the end. :)
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:46,
archived )
And A Streched Piece Of...
Spit soaked elastic
Straw Dog ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:48,
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I know.
It's a win-win situation really.
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:52,
archived )
Sorry but I can't help but noticing that your username
is awfully close to a certain Sam Peckinpah film which makes it interesting that you're posting on this particular thread. As i skim read up i thought someone was talking about the film but then thankfully i realised it just was your username.
Professor Fnord Regius Professor of B3ta Chronology ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:53,
archived )
and twice
a day they're exactly on time.
stouffer ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:52,
archived )
a big grubby sweetie watch face if I recall correctly
there always seemed something a little foolish about giving children food to wear.
Pootle ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:53,
archived )
how's this
bageler ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 11:48,
archived )
that's very clever and a little testicular too to boot.
Fat Boab of dailyreckless.com fame ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 12:03,
archived )
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