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I know theres no picture...
...but this is some weird shit!!! NSFW, unless your boss has got a smeagol porn fetish. :|www.geocities.com/smeagolslash/home
minifuma ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 19:59,
archived )
Bandwidth exceeded!!!!
FreudianSlap ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:02,
archived )
well done, by posting that here you destroyed their bandwidth :D good on ya, now i have to wait an hour to see why it is nsfw
jimskio http://www.whoopdedoo.co.uk ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:03,
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The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information.
Gotta love Geoshitties.
benryves Now I'm radioactive! That can't be good! ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:03,
archived )
"Geocities : free web space, so long as you don`t use it"
Reckless_Rik ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:04,
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what's a smeagol?
is it some sort of small dog porn?
glued eel /questions/questionsyoudliketoask/post1648081 ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:04,
archived )
from lord of the rings
jimskio http://www.whoopdedoo.co.uk ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:05,
archived )
What's your favourite bit of those films?
Mine's the bit at the end, when Frodo loses his finger after slipping it into the ring at the rim of the crack of doom.
F5 F5 F5 Can't be arsed. ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:13,
archived )
is any bit featuring the ringwraiths (i made up a song, i am so clever sung along to the stingray theme tune "ringwraiths, ringwraiths dunaduna duna et.c")
jimskio http://www.whoopdedoo.co.uk ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:17,
archived )
the very end, when its finally over
Johno says the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one But still they come on ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:19,
archived )
the end
goes on for way too long, the end takes about half an hour
jimskio http://www.whoopdedoo.co.uk ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:21,
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and yes
Oldbean! Hiro is my Hero!! ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:06,
archived )
You wet our appetite..
and then it's borked! arf.. I gotta wait an hour now.
Jimbo Rotten ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:08,
archived )
Its worth the wait
Actually no its not.
minifuma ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:10,
archived )
is it gollum sitting on the toilet with his cock out?
if so, it was an fp last year some time (i believe)
Johno says the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one But still they come on ,
Sat 28 May 2005, 20:31,
archived )
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