fucking great! New wallpapertastic :)

edit: you should do a 280 width one too as I'm quite sure that'll get on the frontpage :D
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:45,

edit: you should do a 280 width one too as I'm quite sure that'll get on the frontpage :D

nah, it looks shite at 280 - and front page isn't everything.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:51,

That's "The Dogs" :-)
I don't have a woo-yay good enough, so you'll have to have a poor quality one, with my humble apologies :-)

( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:55,
I don't have a woo-yay good enough, so you'll have to have a poor quality one, with my humble apologies :-)

A match made in heaven.
Brilliant, just brilliant.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:48,
Brilliant, just brilliant.

i have a couple of questions for you
how are you creating your outliney shaded type stuff (cell shading style?)
what you using to do it?
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:52,
how are you creating your outliney shaded type stuff (cell shading style?)
what you using to do it?

I import the movie file on one layer and then create another layer above that so I can trace around the figures in the movie.
Its time consuming but worth it.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:55,
Its time consuming but worth it.

All your "woos" are boobies at the moment. It's stifling your creativity and (although this is just my own point of view) they're BORING. Except the frankensteiny one which is witty and cool.
/brave stand
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:55,
/brave stand

to ooh..anus? He was going to do some Porn Star Woo Yays.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:00,

for ages.... maybe he's left. How sad.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:05,

he is fighting b3ta addiction, and skating round a big hole in the ice marked "redundancy" :-/
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:07,

We neeed more. I need more.
I have to say Yay for Boobies.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:58,
I have to say Yay for Boobies.

although I think that I only have one (that one) that really features boobies properly...although I could be wrong.
I'll go and check...
Edit: Actually, thats the only one (apart from the Cracking Knockers one, which isn't a wooyay).
The Susan Sarandon one doesn't count becasue I didn't pick for the boobies, I just thought the poses would make a good Woo.
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:58,
I'll go and check...
Edit: Actually, thats the only one (apart from the Cracking Knockers one, which isn't a wooyay).
The Susan Sarandon one doesn't count becasue I didn't pick for the boobies, I just thought the poses would make a good Woo.

Maybe there's just a proliferation of boobies at the moment anyway. Or maybe I'm making it all up.
I'm not anti-boobie, you know, I just fear it's pretty dull for us girls if these "I would" and "ooh look tits" posts crop up too often. And do I think having girls on b3ta is a good thing.
Sorry Bovine, I apologise unreservedly for my mistake. Although I still don't like that one up there for some reason. :)
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:07,
I'm not anti-boobie, you know, I just fear it's pretty dull for us girls if these "I would" and "ooh look tits" posts crop up too often. And do I think having girls on b3ta is a good thing.
Sorry Bovine, I apologise unreservedly for my mistake. Although I still don't like that one up there for some reason. :)

may be a little unnecessary...
And what movies are you importing frame by frame Mr Bovine? Tsk!
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:10,
And what movies are you importing frame by frame Mr Bovine? Tsk!

its clips from B movies, I found that one elsewhere, my girlfriend uses my pooter so I don't have pr0n on it, but that clip is very near the mark.
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:17,

lucky she had those signs taped over her nips, to save your blushes ;-)
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:18,

I just found that clip 'ahem' and I thought it would make a good Wooyay, it is the 'rudest' one I've done so far.
The problem is it is a male dominated board, but I would like to see a lot more F3males in the board...not just so I can get topless pics for the calendar.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:14,
The problem is it is a male dominated board, but I would like to see a lot more F3males in the board...not just so I can get topless pics for the calendar.

I'm dropping out of this discussion now... I feel I've stated my case.
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:19,

i'm not bothered about general breastidgeness, i was brought here by Vulga who cant even talk to me without speaking to mine so i knew what to expect here...
My issue is i can look at tits all bloody day online if i wanted to, but photoshopped kittens are still a wonderment to behold and what makes b3ta a site of greatness :)
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:32,
My issue is i can look at tits all bloody day online if i wanted to, but photoshopped kittens are still a wonderment to behold and what makes b3ta a site of greatness :)

im always surprised at the amount of women on the board generally. i think the whole internet is shifting in that direction. which is great.
perhaps we'll finally see more naked men pictures! ;)
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:22,
perhaps we'll finally see more naked men pictures! ;)

going to take the calendar soon,its run its course and I don't want to cause offense or anything.
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:23,

the queen mum would have wanted.
bless her heart
( ,
Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:29,
bless her heart

If you ask me - which you wouldn't but if you did that would be my answer with very little hesitation.
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:16,

work cos they are aesthetically pleasing regardless of any sexual feeling.
workboresme is the uncrowned champion of 'I would-ness' is she not?
/runs from DPK
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Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:17,
workboresme is the uncrowned champion of 'I would-ness' is she not?
/runs from DPK