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Another night shift tonight!
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:05,
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A kitten with Down's Syndrome
ordering tacos from the drive through on a big wheel
abandonnship ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:06,
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"A man with blood where his pods should be"
gaijintendo Regular Member ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:07,
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His 'pods'?
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:09,
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you know
gaijintendo Regular Member ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:10,
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Oooooh, you mean his ears?
OneSullenBrit *air sandwiches* ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:12,
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You are thinking of
gaijintendo Regular Member ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:13,
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*still non the wiser*
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:13,
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Thank you for your time so far...
gaijintendo Regular Member ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:16,
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Response so far...
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:18,
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If that's some kind of parasite... it would need an unusual vector.
_Felix 's school of dance and occult sciences ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:14,
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Super-intelligent weevils
designing an opposable thumb device so they can subjugate humanity
FoldsFive ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:09,
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Weevils have arms on their snouts.
I like weevils.
_Felix 's school of dance and occult sciences ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:38,
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me and brad pitt having sex? seriously.
Funtastic Pony Magic ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:10,
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Naked photos required
for reference.
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:30,
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Oh, is *that* what you call it?
I've been looking for that word all year. "Reference"! Right, must rember that: reference reference reference reference reference reference .... Edit: bugger! Forgotten it already.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:33,
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Forgotten what?
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:37,
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Hitler eating some cheese while playing football on the moon in a short skirt and crop top
TheAmazingMrMagical Live from the BBC ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:10,
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A birotastic
rendition of Arthur and Marvin from The Hitch Hiker's original TV series, with Marvin looking somewhat depressed as usual, and Arthur simply looking for a nice hot cup of tea. Pleeeeeease?
The Neville What what what ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:11,
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that sounds a bit like real drawing skills are required! *ponders*
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:15,
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Sounds nice though.
_Felix 's school of dance and occult sciences ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:16,
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this from the creator of the most epic piece(es) of biro art I've ever seen.
The Neville What what what ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:16,
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two chaps..
...sailing a tophat to china
osiem ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:17,
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NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:19,
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mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:21,
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GarethAdams has 45 seconds in the Crystal Dome ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:44,
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The irregular ignorant iranian iguana!
StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:19,
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A couple of skeletons
rather dejectedly playing cards for a pair of boots.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:21,
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a japanese man with no nose
shouting and throwing fish while being watched by an insane giraffe with three legs and an alcohol problem. edit: or just the giraffe
Calmallama Is keeping this short and sweet ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:34,
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The Krankies
violently frotting on a llama
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:41,
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I'm sorry, but
I am unsure as to the meaning of 'frotting' and I have no intention of googling it. Plus Jeanette Krankie gives me the fear.
NobbyNobody 21 years a b3tan ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:47,
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Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:54,
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a man
with large socks no you dont understand relly large socks the kind that multiple homeless people use as shelter no! larger!
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:43,
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an alien and a predator
caught in a compromising position
Haku Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips. ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:50,
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a shark in the pool
and a witch in the tree
tweaknik ,
Sat 22 Oct 2005, 18:54,
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