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# Sorry, had to move it, I was rather happy with it...
(for K3rry)

We come on here daily
With pictures we've made
Hoping and praying
That they'll make the grade

There's No Hands and Furtive
They're the regular guys
And those strange Simon Wicks ones
With mouths for their eyes

Checking stray pixels
and smoothing them out
Trying to hummus
So 'Woo Yay!' they'll shout

Proud of our efforts
that have taken an age
Quietly hoping
for that elusive front page!
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 0:54, archived)
# simply
awesome, get a tune, record it

(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 0:56, archived)
# fantastic
have a big
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 0:59, archived)
# Oooh, fankoo sah!!
Must resist, must tear away from screen
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:02, archived)
# That was good work
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:09, archived)
# So far I have posted
One thousand plus things
But getting a front page
Is a scene from my dreams

I'm happy you work hard
To photoshop stuff
Keep up your good pictures
I just can't get enough

But when I try my pics
I'm not good enough
I don't get "Woo Yays"
I get - "Fuck Off"

(Sorry I'm so slow
It's not that I shirk
It's just that it's day here
And I have to work)
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:05, archived)
# Awww!
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:18, archived)
# I aint posted much yet
but I'm proud of my stuff
Most of it puerile
infantile guff

I have trouble with anims
They dont move that much
(Its all cos of yahoo...
I aint lost my touch...)

Ack! No! You see?
Just as we predicted
The rhyming continues
(I must be addicted)

And I see that the verses
have risen to four...
Give us a break K3rry
Do we really need more?

that took me ages and it sucked
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:33, archived)
# Woo!
That's cool...scans too
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:39, archived)
# I see you're back
With this funny crowd
I thought you'd gone sleepy
And were snoring all loud

I'm having trouble
Doing all four
But I didn't start it
Gias added more

I don't do anims much
Coz mine really suck
If one ever front-paged
It'd be only through luck

At least here with poems
Is a place I can shine
And if you have a problem
Then you can suck _____

Yours didn't suck Bud, 4 is harder than 3 which is harder than 2
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 1:45, archived)
# One final poem
before off to bed
I have to do something
Theres rhymes in my head

We covered the memes
and we talked about food
I mentioned my bottom
Didnt mean to be rude

Glas added a fourth
which has got me stumped
the standard of rhyming
has certainly slumped

But I persevere on
I shall not be perturbed
whilst the pictures above
grow absurd and disturbed

And Ha! I say five!
This thread wont be stopped
Even though off the page
it already dropped.

(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 2:39, archived)
# Goodnight to you chap
My new B3ta friend
You've set me the challenge
What can I do then?

You've certainly thrown
A tricky one down
Now I must do better
Or look like a clown

So onto a subject
To use in this verse
We sure exhausted
The things we used first

Your last poem offer
Was certainly fine
Well thought and so structured
The words they did shine

So I must do better
And with a good theme
So I will make sure
I don't mention a meme

No words of bears
That like cold and are white
Or other board figures
That you first met tonight

I had to dig deep
To scrape up these eight
I've used all my resources
My brains in a state

So now I conclude
I've done my work here
When you read this tommorow
I'll be at home with my beer
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 2:58, archived)
# Whan I woke up this morning
and de-crusted my eyes
I look to the board
Theres a poem surprise

K3rrys been busy
while I've been asleep
dreaming of kittens
slumbering deep

And now I feel ready
as I've woken refreshed
to put K3rrys rhyme skills
back to the test

But still one thing bugs me
(Though Glas did his bit)
No one else is playing
(They think this threads shit)

We've been pouring our hearts out
to get rhymes on the page
You all thought we'd be bored
once we'd got to this stage

But I'll keep on trucking
now I've reached the 6th verse
as the standrad of rhyme
gets considerably worse

In the two months or more
I've been viewing the b3ta
I've felt enriched
and life has been sweeter

I've learnt lots of new stuff
Since I turned my eyes boardward
like how to post pics
(Now THATS moving forward)

I've learnt a few tags
and received a few yays
the woos have been lovely
but I've had none for days

As I'm all out of hummus
And now out of rhymes
so the poetry crown
Must surely be mine

Add any more verses and I quit! : )

(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 12:02, archived)
# I so pleased to see
You're still playing my friend
But I won't really upset you
I MAY stick with the ten

I'm empty of hummus
There's no point to quibble
My last lot of poems
Have simply been dribble

But I can keep scraping
The barrel as so
And pull out some verses
Till you quit and you go

Leaving me here
To stand as the winner
(Although now my brains
Considerably thinner)

I must say woo yay
To you here now chap
You gave me a run
For my money at that

But I see from you verse
You'll give up the ghost
If I can do more
Than the ten you did post

So I'll look at the time
And my pile of paper
It's only my work
So that I'll do later

Coz finish (and well)
Is a task I must do
Maybe eleven
Just to undermine you?

I'll use all my nouns
And look up a vowel
If I do reach eleven
You'll throw in the towel

Thanks to WorkBoresMe
Who helped me pull through
I'm staying mum
But tell me would you?

And I must thank you Bud
For pushing me there
Verse after verse
I'm pulling my hair!

If I don't quit soon
Then I'll never stop
So try if you can
This you won't top!
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 18:50, archived)
# Right *craccks his knuckles*
We're back once again
to endure a bit more
of this poetic pain

Ten was a sinch
But you mustered up twelve
so all my nights plans
I'll now have to shelve

I'm running quite low
on things I can rhyme
but the title of champion
just has to be mine

Seems silly to play on
but you just keep replying
(I could do this for days,
see, I'm not really trying)

I wont boast that I'm better
I'll just raise you a verse
Twelves getting tough
Thirteen will be worse

I've just reached halfway
and I'll admit I'm baffled
My Rogets Thesauras
it must have been snaffled

by some errant wordsmith
(admit it was you)
who, just like me,
has nowt else to do

Eight. At last eight
What can I say here?
"Eight was a rush job
Pub Time, Need Beer"

Ignore that last verse
its a bit below par
but I'm starting to dry up
now I've reached this far

Yes its a struggle
Yes I am bored
Yes I'm aware
the whole threads been ignored

So K3rry, what say you?
Lets end it at this
Anything more would
be taking the piss

Although its been fun
and somewhat a test
I'm willing to recognise
you are the best.

Thanks for the poems
What fun its been.
This is the end
of verse thirteen

(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 20:30, archived)
# Thanks for your words
It's taken an age
To find a reply
Just right for this page

We must almost be taking
A meg with this thread
The poor little server
Will be doing it's head

They'll have to get Cal in
He'll be really pissed
When he has to put our bit
On a brand new hard disk

And no-one joined in
I'm glad you did ask
They've probably known
They won't match our class

I've been scratching my head
And banging my desk
To find some new rhymes
To put to the test

To see if they're working
To see if they flow
Coz Bud set the challenge
And on I must go

We talked about cooking
We talked about memes
We talked of Buds bottom
(To lower the scenes)

We bought in a furtive
The sly so and so
Bud mentioned the feat
I mentioned the Quo

I tried to reply right
The way that I should
But my "Arrrgh! The fear" verses
Were not all that good

We leap-froged each other
Six seven eight nine
The length of the poems
Got longer each time

Over a dozen's
A hard act to top
I've run out of words
My brains gone to pot

But AH! Inspiration
There's one final theme
A poetry front page
Oh what a dream!

One of these stanzas
On the front bit
(But with the length of my writing
I'd probably be hit)

To load up the front page
And it scrolls off the bottom
The mood of the people
Be probably rotten

The name Bud and K3rry
Be dragged through the mud
Their poem reviews
Will all just say "crud"

I'm glad this is bookmarked
In my Favourites file
To find it again
Would take quite a while

As we must be only
The two people who visit
This poems now history
Or then maybe, well, is it?

Beat 20 and I'll concede chap...
(, Wed 11 Dec 2002, 21:08, archived)