IT being the Easter Bank Hols, Mrs Coopsweb demanded that I actually do some DIY... now usually I hate doing anything like that - but after stripping the god-awful wallpaper in the front room, I came across several messages left by the former owner of the house pencilled into the plaster... detailng all of her relationships and breakups over a 10 year period...

'I can't go on without her - Aug 11th 1999'

'To my sweetheart Mary of Tunbridge Wells...'

'When she left me, it was like a light went out in my life, 7 June 1997'
'My sweetheart, Mary'
These are just a few of the best ones - other include poetry, shakespeare quotes and even political statements 'Pity the tories are still in' was the best one.
I am now sure I bought a house from a serial killer and/or someone seriously in need of home decorating advice....
Still. Made me laugh - and I though that b3ta would enjoy it. Got two more walls to strip... god knows what I'll find when I get around to it!
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:02,

'I can't go on without her - Aug 11th 1999'

'To my sweetheart Mary of Tunbridge Wells...'

'When she left me, it was like a light went out in my life, 7 June 1997'

'My sweetheart, Mary'
These are just a few of the best ones - other include poetry, shakespeare quotes and even political statements 'Pity the tories are still in' was the best one.
I am now sure I bought a house from a serial killer and/or someone seriously in need of home decorating advice....
Still. Made me laugh - and I though that b3ta would enjoy it. Got two more walls to strip... god knows what I'll find when I get around to it!

of a serial killer. Knock through the walls, there may be limbs.
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:05,

only pull them out halfway, so they stickout and freakout visitors
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:07,

Hmm, seriously considering taking a sledge hammer to most walls - only problem is half the house is held up with no-more-nails and polyfila.
Still - atleast none of it was written in blood... I hope!
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:08,
Still - atleast none of it was written in blood... I hope!

do you know what happened to the previous occupant?
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:09,

She went to live with her new partner down on the South Coast... but after this discovery I'm expecting the Murder Investigation Team anyday now to dig up the patio...
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:12,

i might try and, er, 'friendify' you. whatever that means. :)
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:15,

... after the mess she left for us when we moved in, she deserves everything she gets. She even took all the lightbulbs.. (and anything else screwed down - toliet roll holders, towel rails.etc)
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:17,

you moved into another b3tans house? as IVV might say, 'any fule kno bettah!'
edit: wait, i think i see what's happened here, hehehe...i was on about 'the brain's' myspace site. you got one too?
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:22,
edit: wait, i think i see what's happened here, hehehe...i was on about 'the brain's' myspace site. you got one too?

.. thought you were going to post the images somewhere else.
Nope - I very much doubt she was a b3tan...
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:26,
Nope - I very much doubt she was a b3tan...

i can just imagine her getting to her new house with her box of lightbulbs and being like "hmm, where shall i put all these lightbulbs, seeing as i actually had no need to bring them with me, as the person who vacated this house didn't maniacally take all them away"
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:35,

..to anyone who can work out what the phrase "Mary of Tunbridge Wells, editor of Packing Week, the love of my life who left me!!" Means.
Seriously - I'm now thinking of digging up the garden myself, without waiting for the murder team...
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Mon 17 Apr 2006, 2:21,
Seriously - I'm now thinking of digging up the garden myself, without waiting for the murder team...

"She was my north...etc" (same poem as the one from Four Weddings...)

"Sue, 1am, 2002" - I don't even want to think what this one means? (Hopefully not time of death or anything)

And possibly the most disturbing - "I miss her, I threw away the best opportunity I ever had...."
Mrs Coopsweb has demanded that I paint over all of this tomorrow, because it's freaking us out.. but just incase the police need evidence....