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[challenge entry] My effort
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From the If Animals Were L33t challenge. See all 251 entries (closed)

(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:46, archived)
# compo it droog!!

*edit* you fast ninja-you
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:46, archived)
# Heh
I realised a milli-second after I clicked 'post this'
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:47, archived)
# LOL!
That is great. Click.
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:46, archived)
# Fank-oo :)
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:48, archived)
# Hahaha!
s'ok that!

(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:46, archived)
# top!
compo's getting a lot better after a slow start
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:48, archived)
# good
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:48, archived)
# Haha!
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:49, archived)
# yay!
a good compo entry
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:50, archived)
# This am
so much better than most of the entries! Woo!
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:54, archived)
# Coo, ta!
And ta also to all the above lully comments. *hugs monitor*
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 11:58, archived)
# haha
(, Fri 26 May 2006, 12:02, archived)
# there's something to be said for restraint and subtlety.
(, Sat 27 May 2006, 8:54, archived)
(, Sat 27 May 2006, 17:27, archived)
# no need to be ashamed
this is great
(, Tue 30 May 2006, 15:28, archived)
# Ta duck :)
(, Wed 31 May 2006, 12:04, archived)