heartbreaking tramp! (:)XX)
I remember you posting that for me!
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:45,
I remember you posting that for me!

somewheres...didn't i gaz it to you?
that was aaages ago!
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:53,
that was aaages ago!

But no, you didn't gaz it to me =)
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:54,

EDIT: Anyways, how are you?

Things are going really well at the moment!
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Sun 5 Aug 2007, 0:12,

I was going to ask if you could draw my kids ( in your superhero style ). I'd buy you a few sherberts for doing it.
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:55,

to the image I posted earlier.
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:43,

yours was a goodun
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:45,

I have no tablet on this system.
I have the impetus to do stuff but can't really face mousework, considering that ( and here's another fucking thing Gates ) I got a new wireless keybo and rodent from Microsoft. I'm sure you know that it's never cheap. It's worse than the cheap £40 setup I replaced. The mouse response is dire.
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:54,
I have the impetus to do stuff but can't really face mousework, considering that ( and here's another fucking thing Gates ) I got a new wireless keybo and rodent from Microsoft. I'm sure you know that it's never cheap. It's worse than the cheap £40 setup I replaced. The mouse response is dire.

i'm too poor for a mouse
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Sat 4 Aug 2007, 23:57,

but it does not make me any better. I've just paid top dollar for surface area. Sadly talent is not included in the price.
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Sun 5 Aug 2007, 0:04,

but that works because I tend to draw without moving my wrist, probably bad practice though.
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Sun 5 Aug 2007, 0:08,

as it seems to suit me. When I actually get the urge to sketch I still use a book and pencils. I'll then scan that and clean it up in tattyshop ready for painting ( or ink it first in illustrator [which i'm happy doing with either mouse or pen ] depending upon the style )
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Sun 5 Aug 2007, 0:11,