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Wii Games They'd Never Make » Message 9201263
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first I got my tablet and pen to hand then had a sip of my hot toddy ( I've had proper flu since Sunday ). Then I thought ' how can I show these bastards how shit they are?' So I scribbled a bit here, then I scribbled a bit there and through an interesting juxtaposition of line and form I came up with this tutorial which clearly shows I am good and you are not so good but can be if you follow my easy instructions.
From the
Wii Games They'd Never Make challenge. See all
466 entries (closed)
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:26,
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Joliet ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:27,
archived )
Compo it!
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:28,
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I'd be ashamed :(
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:29,
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You have shame?
I'm bored with this challenge already. Too easy, too much.
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:32,
archived )
I know.
Here's a game you will never make Nintendo, Fallout 3, because your console is fucking shit :)
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:35,
archived )
Haha, this!
I started my 'evil' play through last night - mwahahha...
RiffRaff lurking like a lurky thing ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:45,
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discomeats This canoe ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:50,
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hahahahahah! that is brill :D
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:28,
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please marry my sister
Floppy Donkey crawled out of the ditch. ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:29,
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Under Archie's advice I already married my own. Norfolk rules or something.
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:32,
archived )
Cheers Bro'
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:41,
archived )
Sorry mate :(
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:49,
archived )
that's ok, you can make up for it by clicking this...
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:58,
archived )
Consider it clicked.
but only because you used my handy tutorial ;)
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:59,
archived )
Your Ts look like digital 4s...
..wil ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:29,
archived )
no tutorials pls..
;) nice edit: argh my arch enemy and i said something nice
El Guiri the only b3tan who is not fat ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:29,
archived )
This would so win!
XLVII .uk ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:31,
archived )
SirJonDangerous and his pony-sized bumblebee ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:40,
archived )
elephant rider property shark sighted! ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:42,
archived )
nice one Pasanonic
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:42,
archived )
If this doesn't win I shall eat my hat
Panjandrum brought to you by tea and biccies ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 14:43,
archived )
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Thu 19 Feb 2009, 18:45,
archived )
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