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# why did you panic
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 3:45, archived)
# Coz my funemployment came to an abrupt end today.
I got a really good job and I've been telling everyone how chuffed I am etc but in reality im shitting myself. I start monday and I'm kacking it, what if i fuck it up, what if people sus out I dont know what im doing. SHIIIIT!
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 3:52, archived)
# If you don't know what you're doing
and they employed you, then THEY don't know what they're doing.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 3:54, archived)
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:06, archived)
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:09, archived)
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:20, archived)
# hmmm
1) pink side down
2) repeat until brown on both sides

(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 3:55, archived)
# Whatever your job is just follow these tips.
1) Nod and agree to anything
2) If they get confused by you saying yes, just throw no in a couple of times and return to 1
3) If something goes wrong blame it on the black guy, or if your in an all white office, blame the female co-worker. If neither then just say the computer broke.
These are my tips to keeping a job that you have absolutly no idea about.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:02, archived)
# Phew!
Thank fuck for that. Theres a black lesbian woman who works there. My problems are over.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:05, archived)
# Sounds like you struck gold with that one
Also if you see people running around franticly on fire then you're doing something wrong... especially if you are a plumber. Learn from my mistakes.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:09, archived)
# you hit the scapegoat jackpot with that one
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:29, archived)
# I always blame the person who most recently left the company
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:07, archived)
# Congrats on the job
Nobody knows what they're doing when they first start a job. You'll get it figured out. And remember, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:20, archived)
# perhaps if say you have swine flu
you can keep your job without going in for until
plan 2 (revised) : use a time machine by taking them back to see Napoleon Bonaparte (Terry Camilleri) preparing for battle.
Return to the present and leave the two with the time machine; after you leave, they discover that Napoleon was dragged with them back to the present, to pass their history exam,
they will go back in time and kidnap other historical figures and have them explain what they think of the San Dimas of the present. Bill and Ted will leave Napoleon with Ted's younger brother
Deacon while they travel back to the past.
and your job will be secure.

plan 3 : quietly move through the building, killing terrorists that you encounter, and learn more of their motives while acquiring a two-way radio, C4 explosives and detonators off the body of one terrorist you kill.
Use the radio to attract the attention of LAPD Sergeant Al Powell and use a terrorist corpse dropped onto his patrol car to convince him that something is amiss.
Use the pseudonym "Roy Rogers" to avoid revealing your identity to the terrorists while explaining the situation to Powell as the police and SWAT team arrive.
Minimize the damage by sending some C4 explosive down the elevator shaft to wipe out the terrorists firing on the SWAT team.
Refuse to reveal yourself when Gruber threatens and proceeds to kill Harry Ellis, one of Holly's coworkers who will try to negotiate a deal for his release by selling out your identity to Gruber.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation will arrive, and order power to the Plaza shut down.
When the emergency lighting turns on, Gruber will reveal this was his plan all along as the final electromagnetic lock on the vault is disengaged, and Theo begins to collect the bonds.
Stop him from getting away!
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:21, archived)
# But then I run the risk of being killed by
Evil Robot P3l3's and I'll have to traverse the afterlife roping mythical figures into taking me to mars to find the smartest creature in the universe to build good robot p3l3's and.....

...fuck this, that sounds ace, lets do it!

DIET: (and ive always wanted to meet Genghis Khan too)
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:42, archived)
# arg you replied before
scenario 2 (or plan 3)
well I hope it works out for you better than my Hulk Chole Smith did for me.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:47, archived)
# Plan 3
sounds pretty good. One question though, who's holly?
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:54, archived)
# the black lesbian from accounts
edit : in the interests of ballance i have made a gordon brown
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 5:06, archived)
# relax
you wont be expected to do any real work for at least a week - you'll suss it out by then.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 4:23, archived)
# If it's a good job everyone you work with will want you to succeed.
So if you don't know something, ask.
I love new workers who ask questions, I tell them every secret that I can (where the pies are hidden and that sort of thing).

I was just marveling today at the fact that everyone at two of my jobs always make everyone else's life easier.
Now the third job ... Must. Go. Away.
(, Sat 25 Jul 2009, 7:35, archived)