b3ta.com challenge: the black and white challenge
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This is a challengeThe Black And White Challenge (This challenge is now closed)

the black and white challenge

Ebony and ivory, living together in perfect harmony. But what if the song was backwards? Show us a world in which white people are black. Or brown. And vice versa.

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 19:34)
Pages: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# but dorothy, darling, i was doing the news

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 23:02, More)
# insert some witty line involving something or other

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 23:02, More)
# "What? It's not my fault I didn't know you were black!"

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:59, More)
# This competition is a terrible thing.
I have just made a black and white picture of Frazer standing outside his flat and I got as far as giving him a movable mouth before I realise that it's not reasonabled to post shit like that, but he must have known that he was invoking a bag of racist shit from the idiots?

I am one of the strongest defenders of the compos, but this one is ill conceived. It's like it was designed to produce a tirade of casual racism and make the board look like a bunch of inbred twats.

I feel disappointed. Those people who are trying to get it right are being drowned in a flood of shit jokes. I'm not opposed to a joke which relies on skin colour for it's humour, but for Christ's sake guys, come on.
(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:58, More)
# Blargh

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:57, More)
# Did someone call Bernard ?

NO ?
/ relurks
(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:56, More)
# too obscure?

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:46, More)

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:43, More)
# Makes Your Whites Blacker than Black!

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:41, More)
# first day of compo shite

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:41, More)

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:38, More)
# Yer looking a bit pastey, Davey mun.

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:33, More)

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:32, More)
# I am a lazy bastard...

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:31, More)

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:26, More)
# Another Royal Blunder

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:24, More)
# Now I realise my error
But only because this is a pearoast. I didnt actually know at the time I made this that the song was sung by Take That.

I'm proud of my mistake
(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:20, More)
# Well, we'd be able to see Ninajs coming a mile off

Oh fuck, it's bindun already.
(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:19, More)
# I doubt many will get this,
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

but at least it's not just a negative image. :)
(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:17, More)
# "They were here already, taking our jobs..."

(, Wed 28 Feb 2007, 22:15, More)
Pages: 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)