Is this link completely rubbish?
(krang, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:07,
it might not have been if you'd included more of the article!
needs context
(halloumislowly pushing you down the board on, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:09,
I like your thinking there
(krang, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:13,
A geeky site? A GEEKY SITE?! I'd have him know that I had a girlfriend once! And I don't like Star Wars!
...I do have an alphabetized CD collection though...
(Paolo Nutini's BikiniBetter than Frederick Fleet's optometrist, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:13,
Christopher Brookmyre
what is your username?!! show yourself!
(halloumislowly pushing you down the board on, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:16,
Known for Sick Jokes?
I wouldn't say that. "Twisted humour" might be a more accurate description!
(whenanimalsattackhumansclad in global hypercolour, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 22:02,
I often have to explain to strangers about B3ta
and I think we're best known in the real world for that thing with Richard Branson - that's what I get asked about anyway.
(rob, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 22:14,
Its so unfair
Mind you, would you really want Joe public reading our maddie jokes?
(willeniumFist bump for verification, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 22:39,
Didn't 'The Guardian'
describe b3ta as a 'Peurile art community'?
I think that's fair (and to be celebrated).
(Kung_Fu_Russran out of amusing signatures on, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 1:11,
I told some guy from The Guardian
about b3ta, describing it exactly as such.
(Frozen_BananaShaved against the grain; thoroughly unrewarding., Tue 28 Jul 2009, 3:42,
Best description of b3ta ever.
The fucker.
Edit: Wait where the fuck am I, /Links? What's going on?
(monkdagolabut how do you TURN a phrase?, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:26,
considering in the appendix
of attack of the unsinkable rubber ducks he makes reference to there only being one impossible feat performed in the books which is "like the author, both geeky and self indulgent" it's hardly a bad thing :D
(cs192is sucking on a Koala at, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 21:33,
I thought we were more of an autonomous collective with bi-weekly meetings rather than
a bunch of geeks!
(BadgeMan, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 22:12,
Now wait a second! I'll have you know I run an art gallery and a museum, I make totally pointless videos and pictures, I'm single, I have a degree or two in engineering, I... I...
i'm angry that i didn't get a namecheck
(Lightguyhail satan, Mon 27 Jul 2009, 23:03,
the fuck are you talking about?
(BadgeMan, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 0:39,
My husband's always saying Chris is a b3tan.
In his latest book, A Snowball in Hell, he directly references b3ta. He also uses words like "twunt" and "fucktard" in that book. Haven't read any myself yet.
We are not geeks though ;o)
(Tourette's ( . )( . )has a monkey hair in her fried egg, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 23:46,
The Guardian isnt a London paper!
(confuzatron, Fri 31 Jul 2009, 17:42,
It's a lovely Manchester paper, from lovely Manchester.
(godspants, Sat 1 Aug 2009, 1:10,
I meant to mention this a while back.
he mentions b3ta in one of his books. Good book, too.
(MrChimppreviously Monsieur, Fri 31 Jul 2009, 20:50,
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