EDIT: I'll delete the thread if you want, but I just thought people should be made aware - if only for the memory of that poor kid :(
(mr.dogshitThe world's premier anthropomorphic canine faeces, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 15:55,
That's shocking.
I hope they were shot soon after.
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 15:59,
Why did i watch that?
There are some things you just can't unsee.
(Peach MotorbikeI hate the cut of your jib, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 15:59,
Fuck's sake!
Mods, bring forth the ban hammer.
(UltimateMonkeyBan this sick filth!, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 16:01,
As if it's not bad enough to film it, do you really have to post it here?
That's just endorsement. You sick fuck.
(And I know the same applies to all of us who watched it.)
(Enzymeis powered by sunlight, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 16:19,
I think it might be a sign I'm getting used to this place
... that I wasn't sure it was safe to watch until _after_ I'd read the first few reply comments.
(wangmaster2000, Mon 27 Sep 2010, 10:20,
I've just been sick
(SnowyTheWereRabbitthe Leporid from Hell, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 16:54,
Jesus, I...
Words can't describe what I'm feeling just now
That was...jesus...
(Godwin's Lawyeris more evil than Hitler, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 16:59,
i do not want to watch it
this is the sort of shit the worthless chavy cunts i have to work with watch for kicks. i fucking despise them.
(amoebaboychose for death by unga bunga on, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 18:43,
this is another one of those in jokes /links sometimes goes along with.
(..wil, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 19:48,
oh ok then,,
i still fucking despise the cunts.
(amoebaboychose for death by unga bunga on, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 20:14,
Tell me about it...
and their little dogs too!
(..wil, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 22:36,
old joke, is old :)
(mrmattis staging a 'dirty protest' on, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 19:13,
He never stood a chance
I need to wash my brain.
(ZachariahPardon, pardon. J'AI UNE POUSSETTE, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 20:04,
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