Cooking breaks..
Awfully well spoken for a beatboxer, I thought.
Also, is it now not cool to post YouTube things? (Was it ever?) This has been watched 1000+ times, but not seen on here as far as I can see. I don't want to upset anyone, only offer an amusing morsel. Really.
"I'm not actually from Austria, it doesn't exist"
This guy is amazing. I don't know how he can sing *and* do the beatboxing at the same time. Ande he's funny too!
(The Coast Of Yemen, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 21:27,
I asked him that
He just replied, "Practice" :)
(chthonic, Mon 22 Jan 2007, 11:50,
That is very much not bad, either.
(SyncubusYarr! Ye'll be walking Planck's Constant! [GMT-5], Thu 18 Jan 2007, 21:44,
That is absolute fucking quality
of the highest order!
The funniest and most skillful clip I've seen on youtube, barr none. Give that man a cigar!
(LemonEntryMyDearWatsonThis time, Moriarty, the hand is on the other foot, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 21:38,
that is brilliant. Great find!
(thiswasmyclone, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 22:25,
Almost Lasse Gjertsen level loveliness...hope it's not purely a viral.
(Cap'n, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 22:41,
"Awfully well spoken for a beatboxer, I thought."
Why would you assume a beatboxer to be a poor speaker? I'd expect the opposite to be true. Someone who can use their mouth to create such varied drum sounds as this should have no trouble vocalising words properly.
I bet he sucks a mean blow job too
(Nutmeg Harpoondry humped your sister on, Thu 18 Jan 2007, 22:54,
Is the best thing ever, the search for all other things is now over, and the internet can be turned off - forever... Good day all.
(hoozey, Fri 19 Jan 2007, 1:03,
That was FoldsFive's Pixelmash Star Wars, all this is just loads and loads of icing.
With cherries.
(Woodgieis back, but for how long?, Fri 19 Jan 2007, 16:59,
super fuckin' rocks dude.
(topofthepods, Fri 19 Jan 2007, 17:24,