As much as this has put my link in the shadow, I still think this is great
(sockheadI promise I'll subscribe exactly a day after, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 21:42,
Lol its ok
If it was someone just posting a vid they didnt make saying "lol010lol" I might've been a bit peeved, but I'm a big fan of your videos (:
(sockheadI promise I'll subscribe exactly a day after, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 21:44,
two thumbs up
(monkeonschmonkeon, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 21:45,
incidently...this is a story on BBC website right now:
Beatles hits sung by Russian monks in Antarctica will echo round Liverpool's Anglican cathedral as part of a festival dedicated to peace.
not worth its own thread, but thought id share.
(DefyingDarwinOld, untalented and white,, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 21:47,
Haha, Great
Reminds me a of a slightly mental documentary a year or so ago about how the Beatles bought down communism... although it was more a short cut for saying that Western culture in general bought down communism...
(Sheep!, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 22:01,
fucking awesome :DD
(herman:D, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 21:56,
I <3 the sheep!
luvly stuff as usual
(catweasleneither a cat nor a weasle, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 22:16,
awesome work
(DrZaarlonWitchspace To Ra!, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 22:27,
I want to know how you did all this so well,
and why you're not a millionaire yet, because you should be, Sire!
(maddave, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 22:39,
^this^ x 1000
(RedHouseover yonder, Fri 27 Aug 2010, 2:22,
You actually are a smegging genius
Well done
(FishcatDifficult difficult lemon difficult., Thu 26 Aug 2010, 22:42,
As others have said
you really should be making vast amounts of money from these. They are very good.
(Cactus 1doesn't care what you think on, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 23:22,
i'm taking a break from my posting hiatus
to announce that you, sir, are becoming something of a master at these. every video has been a technical improvement on the last. but that would be nothing were it not for your natural talent as a physical comedian. i look forward to the day when i can say i remember you as a b3tan before you hit the big time.
(the brass moustacheputting the ass moust in brache since, Fri 27 Aug 2010, 2:06,
One of your best pieces of work
Thanks for posting it up : )
(Darklord, Fri 27 Aug 2010, 3:22,
this is completely brilliant
(theswollenbeefwhere there's a will there's a wank, Fri 27 Aug 2010, 9:15,
You should enter this for Depict
If you haven't already (90sec film contest: Deadline is Monday, reckon you'd have a great chance!
(Dread Pirate Roberts, Fri 3 Sep 2010, 21:08,
Ta for the info, I'll give that a go
(Sheep!, Sat 4 Sep 2010, 0:25,