(RedHouseover yonder, Sun 10 Jul 2011, 17:03,
Whoever did that, will never do anything as pefect again in their life.
I pity and envy them.
(ZachariahPardon, pardon. J'AI UNE POUSSETTE, Sun 10 Jul 2011, 17:03,
Will never be able to watch that scene in the same light again
Curses internet!
(dirtyscarabintends to live forever. So far, so good..., Mon 11 Jul 2011, 19:12,
That's actually Christopher Lee singing, isn't it?
He almost became and opera singer: Fact!
I think it's the reactions from the other actors that does it.
"I've heard enough... Put an arrow in his gut." Harsh, Gimli, harsh. What are the chances of getting on the X-factor panel?
(xaer0mancer, Fri 15 Jul 2011, 19:06,
Sounds like 'im
Wouldn't have been the weirdest thing he's recorded. I fully expected Saruman to burst into one of Lee's heavy metal numbers. I love whatever the effect is that makes this sound exactly like him.
(AuntieDalek molester extraordinaire, Sat 16 Jul 2011, 0:22,
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