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This is a question Bullshit and Bullshitters

We've had questions about lies and liars in the past, but this time we're asking about the sort of fantasist who constantly claims they've got a helicopter in the garden or was "second onto the balcony at the Iranian Embassy siege". Tell us about the cobblers you've been told, or the complete lies you've come out with.

Thanks to dozer for the suggestion

(, Thu 13 Jan 2011, 12:55)
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Zoo fibs
I am a pretty inept liar, as evidenced by my response to the QOTW a couple of months back where I attempted to score a free fringe trim and ended up married to someone called Mr Williams.

However, this didn't stop all of my friends refusing to believe me when I returned from a trip to the zoo last year and started talking excitedly about the exotic animals on show.

"What was the best thing there, then?"
"Definitely the fanged deer."
"You what?"
"These fanged deer they had. About half the size of a normal deer, nondescript, really, apart from the fangs."
"Aye right."

This went on with each person in the conversation. I know what I saw, though, and was getting increasingly frustrated at their incredulity. Even swearing on my mum's life didn't help.

So a fortnight ago on a group sortie to the zoo (one of our pals works there) I saw a great opportunity to vindicate myself, and dragged everyone towards the enclosure.

They were SLEEPING.

Still, there was a picture on the fence...

I still can't quite believe they exist myself, but I was not fibbing.
(, Fri 14 Jan 2011, 13:06, 4 replies)
(I know they're strictly speaking tusks, not fangs, but still.)
Google 'musk deer' for more.
(, Fri 14 Jan 2011, 13:08, closed)
I think the correct name for them
is Water Deer, i could be wrong, but if you Google Image search Water Deer, the first image is a particularly terrifying little bastard with bigger fangs than the one in your picture, i remembered the name after reading some blog about weird animals a couple of months back...
(, Sat 15 Jan 2011, 18:48, closed)
I thought it was some dribble
then I Googled them and FUCK ME, SABRE TOOTH DEER???!!!???
Why is this no more widely known. Vampiric Bambi's FFS!
(, Sun 16 Jan 2011, 16:51, closed)
If your friend works at the zoo, why couldn't they confirm your story?
(, Tue 18 Jan 2011, 12:14, closed)

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