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This is a question Buses

We've got a local bus driver who likes to pull away slowly just to see how far old ladies with shopping trollies will chase him down the road. By popular demand - tell us your thrilling bus anecdotes.

Thanks to glued eel for the suggestion

(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:14)
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Chavs and their comeuppance, and other tales
I wish I could claim responsibility for this, but unfortunately the credit has to go to my old flatmate. She's one of the nicest people you'll ever meet if you're on her good side, but I wouldn't want to piss her off.


On a bus in the lovely part of London where we lived, two shell-suited-baseball-capped-fake-diamond-encrusted locals were blasting some dodgy music out of a mobile phone. As it was early in the morning, nobody was in the mood for that sort of thing, so she politely asked them to turn it down. This was met with the predictable hail of abuse, so she asked them again, this time slightly less politely. When this was met with "fuck off", she calmly leaned forward and grabbed the phone, then threw it out of the window of the moving bus, watching out of the back window as it smashed on the ground.

I think the best part was their reaction: "What the fuck d'you that for, I only nicked that yesterday...".

While I'm here: night buses. It's less than amusing to find, at nearly 5am, having been up for more than 24 hours and consumed far more beer and sambuca than is really wise, that your stop has been moved to somewhere obscure because of roadworks or something. Ended up paying 40 quid for a cab after I wandered around for over an hour looking for it, only to find I'd missed the last one anyway.

Apologies for drivel. Too hot to make much effort.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 18:33, Reply)

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