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This is a question Buses

We've got a local bus driver who likes to pull away slowly just to see how far old ladies with shopping trollies will chase him down the road. By popular demand - tell us your thrilling bus anecdotes.

Thanks to glued eel for the suggestion

(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:14)
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The Bus Burglars
Many a moon back my friend J got engaged to a girl. He asked another friend, W, who worked for the local bus company, if he could get him a bus for the engagement party night and run people around the town- J was half joking but W said "Yeah, no sweat, see you later".

We're all waiting at J's place and bang on time, W arrives in his bus. We pile on and off we go to the club, ringing the bell, printing tickets and so on, all good harmless fun.

Halfway through the night J realises he's left a record at home that he particularly wants played, so me, W and another guy who lives with J offer to go and get it. We get in the bus, get to J's place only to realise that we have no keys.

This was a quiet road on a new-ish estate, "single track road with passing places" is what it says at the entrance. Not the usual place you'd see a bus, let along see 3 blokes (2 pissed, 1 ginger, 1 fat) pile out of a bus that would never drive up this road, try to get in all the doors and then curse and swear a lot, try all the windows, curse some more, climb up a shed roof, open a window, dive in, kick the dog out for barking, and run back to the bus in glee with a single CD.

No-one batted an eyelid or even called the law- kinda disappointing really, cos we were in the clear and it would have been fun proving so when it looked so dodgy.

J later split with the girl, which was a good thing because she had more teeth than a Ferrari gearbox and a face like a robber's dog. At least we had a good memory of that night.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 20:17, Reply)

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