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This is a question Child Labour

There is a special part of Hell I'd like to reserve for those arses that order every single Sunday paper. Do you know how heavy that makes the bundle of papers some poor kid (ie me) has to lug around? Funny how your papers always seemed to get mangled in your letterbox...

I loved my paper round, but, looking back, I was getting paid peanuts to ruin my back and cycle around in the cold and dark. How were you exploited as a child?

(, Fri 17 Feb 2006, 12:05)
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Grades 9 -12.....
Well you see I attended some sort of Jesuit High school in my city. The place was short from perfect. Non the less it was much better than the grim, zoo like public schools around my area where you WILL GET BUM RAPED BY LOCAL STREET GANG MEMEBERS(not literaly, but these fellows will cause some damage to your nads and sanity and even go as far as to involve you in their rivalries). Anywho, said Jesuit school wasn't free. Tuition was about $24,000 (US) a year. To combat this expensive tuition, the school sent EVERY student to work in corporate offices all over the city. This ranged from Law firms, to museums, to government instalations and medical institutions. Class was 4 days a week and you worked 1 full day at your "sponsor site" during the week. Each sponsor had at least 4 students that worked either Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri. Every week, Monday was alternated between the 4 working students thus giving you a 3 day school week now and then. No one ever sees a penny from their sponsor, it's all for tuition unless you work during your breaks.

In my first year there, my sponsor was this high class law firm. I was running erands for these lawyers that ate little children's faces, bankrupt cripples and squeezed those baby soft spots for fun. 9/11 fell on a tuesday (my work day and excuse the pun).The building was evacuated in fear of evil planes. Having left my monies at my desk I had to leg it home (a good 30 min walk). The next Tuesday they had me opening letters with rubber gloves. I also shredded my tie. That wasn't an accident though. Despite this, I was in the tallest building in the city on the 76th floor so the view was beautiful, office parties always had crab, sushi, roasts and would always fall on a tuesday or friday and the lady lawyers were all fit and dressed "wild librarian in heat" hot. Clevage was ample.

Cock cock, length length, blah blah, goes back under rock.
(, Tue 21 Feb 2006, 19:22, Reply)

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