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This is a question Council Cunts

Stallion Explosion writes "I was in a record shop in Melbourne, flicking through the vinyl, when I found a record entitled 'Hackney Council Are A Bunch Of Cunts'"

We agree.

Have you been trapped in the relentless petty minded bureaucracy of your local council?
Why does it require 3 forms of ID to get a parking permit when the car in question is busy receiving a parking ticket right outside the parking office?

Or do you work for Hackney Council?

(, Thu 26 Jul 2007, 10:51)
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Don't use your mums car for burnouts.
One of my best mates mums worked in the local council reception, and she received a call from an outraged citizen complaining about local hooligans ruining their front lawn with burnouts.
Under further questioning mates mum recognises the street as where a friend of her son lives, and the description of the car remarkably like her own car, which her son occasionally borrows.

My friend recieved a proper bollocking that night from his ma, but the bloody council didnt do anything.
(, Fri 27 Jul 2007, 13:22, Reply)

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