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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Salesmen & Computers .. bad combination
I've worked as a techie for close to 10 years and have enountered plenty of 'end-user' issues in my time..

One that particularly comes to mind was some years ago, I received a call from one of our sales guys who was at a big IT conference in london. (I worked as one half of a two-man IT department at the time - so when a sales guy rang our main reception, and demanded to be put through immediately, we knew there was something epic on the way).

On answering the call, the tirade began down the phone line vented towards me. This guy was due up onto the main arena to make a presentation to the crowd but it's dawned on him that he doesn't have a power-supply for his laptop and demanded that I do something about it immediately. (Of course it's my problem! and not becuase he left his power-supply in the office in order to reduce the weight of his bag)

Small problem.. we're small irish company and he's in london for the day trying to sell to big boys and not look like a tit. Failed on that count, I think!

He being the all knowing and infallible sales guy has an idea...I should ring DELL and have them courier over a power-supply to him.. within the next 30 mins!

So I laughed and hung up.

(It turned out he'd to scurry off to an ATM and take out a few hundred quid to 'rent' a laptop for his presentation) Moral of the story - Don't go pointing the finger at your IT guys for your epic cock-ups, they are the one's who can (or can't) get out you out of the brown stuff... should it hit the fan.
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 8:56, 4 replies)
what woud have been the solution
had he been polite?
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 9:15, closed)
Re; a solution
In this case there was no solution, other than for him to cough up. He knew rightly he'd cocked up, and was continually at this type of thing. It was easier for him to try and hang someone else rather than admit he'd messed up.
This guy was well known for his short-tempered, fly-off-the-handle, hang the nearest person, temperament.
It wasn't his first day on the job, he'd been a sales guy for quite some time. So he knew better that if you were going to try and sell a pricey system, you would at least run thru and check everything was in order prior to setting foot on the prospective customers premises.
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 9:46, closed)
Sales guys are the worst.
Been in IT 10 years. They are definately the worst. They think that they run the planet. They are the most selfish arrogant bastards I have ever worked for. I would never take an I.T Job in a sales company again.
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 10:31, closed)
Teachers are bad at this too

(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 22:46, closed)

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