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This is a question Have you ever seen a dead body?

How did you feel?
Upset? Traumatised? Relieved? Like poking it with a stick?

(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 9:34)
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Oh dear, does it count if the body isn't human?
One of our family cats, Miss Marple, died a couple of years ago of kidney failure aged 15. Can I just say now that if the vet tells you that it's at an advanced stage, think very hard about keeping your cat alive. We did, in the summer, and it was awful. I think she suffered needlessly, and yet I stupidly clung on to the idea that she could somehow live for ever.

Imagine a cat not reacting to smoked salmon being dangled in front of it, and drinking (not alcohol) all the time because she pisses herself every 30 minutes - water passes straight through her. She lies around all day in the bathroom (coldest place) and even the other cat, her son, who basically hates her and has attacked her every day for 14 years, leaves her and her food alone. And this despite the fact that he happily eats the dog food. He knew she was dying, and gave her the peace she wanted near the end.

So eventually putting her down, something we'd put off for a week, was the only real option. First, the vet sedates her, and she fights the drug for what seems like ages. She was conscious for longer than most cats the vet had ever seen apparently - Mimi really was a fighter, especially against drugs (we found this out when we moved house and she resisted the sleeping pills. MIAOW for 8 hours in the car). To watch her slowly lose was a painful thing to see, and all this time she was looking straight at me with massively dilated pupils. I couldn't look away, and remembering that look haunts me to this day. It looks accusing and completely devoid of life.
When the vet injected the poison or whatever it is, she passed without pain and completely at peace. But with open eyes.
It was the end of a horrible lass month alive for her, which had begun when I arrived back from boarding school. She was very cuddly in those last weeks of her life, which she hadn't really been. I don't know what could have been done if we'd noticed her illness earlier, but what's done is done. My dad likes to say she held out until I came back, and now I'm fucking bawling my eyes out as I write it. I'd love that to be true. And I can't stop thinking about those eyes!

*takes break, breathes deeply*

sorry for length etc, but 15 years isn't too bad. She'd been there since I was 3 years old.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 12:34, 18 replies)
I feel your pain. My cat, who'd been ill for a while but coping, finally had to be put down about a week after I came home for the school holidays. I like to think that she was hanging on for me.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 12:40, closed)
Do you not think it takes the fucking piss a bit to go on like this about animals? I really wish I had enough emotional energy to spare mourning a cat.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 12:52, closed)
No, I don't. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that someone criticising someone for being upset that their pet has died is a tad insensitive. The post has a disclaimer in the title, so you know what you're in for before you read it.

If you don't like what someone wrote then put it in perspective. Someone who's upset about their cat isn't being a cunt, but someone who unlurks ostensibly just to be offensive, is. If you don't like, post your own story instead.

For the record, I'm reading your most recent post now and it's well written and heartfelt if a little raw - but that's not a criticism. If I like it I'll click, if I don't I wont.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 12:57, closed)
you, my friend, are a twat
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 12:59, closed)
The question
is about seeing a dead body. I think it's pretty offensive to compare dead people to dead animals - no matter how attached you were to them. I've been a member of b3ta for over 2 years, thanks, but guess what? I'm really not arsed what you think is "appropriate" for a "newbie". I'm expressing my opinion, which happens to be different to yours. But I didn't realise that makes me a twat, so thanks.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:06, closed)
I personally don't see the problem
what does it matter? If you can't be arsed to read a story about dead pets well... don't... I do make it pretty clear at the beginning.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:07, closed)
Yes, it bloody well does count even if it's an animal. You live together under the same roof for years, you provide the animal with food, the animal gives you love in return. And in many ways animals are better than humans, because they can love unconditionally.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:08, closed)
^ Bob
I don't want to get bogged down in the argument about whether an animals life is "worth" more than a human's (although I do think that losing a child is infinately worse than losing a dog for example) But I did laugh at "they love you unconditionally". If you stop feeding them, most cats would be off in a heartbeat - fickle little buggers!
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:20, closed)
Animals don't
love you unconditionally. They love you because you give them food and shelter.

Whatever, I'm sorry if you find my views offensive, but I really don't accept that you can compare losing a pet to losing a loved one. Maybe I'm wrong - but this is what pisses me off about b3ta. Go against the consensus and everyone jumps on you.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:21, closed)
@ my_cat
hehe, alright, fair enough! But they do love (when being fed) without demanding too much in return (apart from food and backrubs - but that's part of the joy of having a pet, being able to stroke it).
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:22, closed)
Firstly you should learn to write properly, your recent post is in desperate need of some paragraphs.

Secondly, in reference to said post, you are a total cunt. You didn't give a shit about the anniversery of your father's death but you used it to get one over on an ex girlfriend.

Thirdly, people on B3ta are generally pretty relaxed about different opinions on stuff, but the majority view as i've noticed it is, if you don't like a post, ignore it, there is no point in venting spleen about it.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:27, closed)
Cheers mate
It's good to see someone on the internet perform such an insightful character analysis on the strength of two rather overwrought paragraphs I posted. I also didn't preview the post before submitting it, otherwise I would have put in the paragraphs. Apologies for offending your formatting sensibilities. People on b3ta are only chilled out and tolerant when they agree with each other, as your post demonstrates. Now I'm going to have some lunch.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:33, closed)
Oh and...
...I'm a cunt, but you post "humorous" stories about a kidnapped five year old? Classy.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:35, closed)
I'm not calling anyone anything
but I don't see why posting about my dead cat should be in any way not related. As far as losing a loved one is concerned, well I never have (touch wood!), so I went for what was closest.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 13:55, closed)
I can't relate - but sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 14:32, closed)
I don't own and neevr have owned pets so can't really relate, but even then I can sympathise with those that do. You can tell from the initial post that this was clearly a heartfelt and emotional experience so why criticise?
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 15:26, closed)
"They love you because you give them food and shelter. "
What does it matter WHY they love you? What's important is that they do, and ANYTHING that loves deserves mourning when it dies.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 18:38, closed)
Just to make the point
I don't really like dogs. But if anything happened to MY dog, before her time, I really wouldn't be able to cope. Pets are like kids- you don't really get other people's, but your own mean as much to you as your best mates.
(, Fri 29 Feb 2008, 17:24, closed)

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