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This is a question It's not me, it's the drugs talking

They make you do stupid stuff and say stupid stuff. Drugs ROCK! Old-time B3ta person Fraser says, "I remember turning to a flatmate once, after getting stoned and sitting through an episode of Casualty, and proclaiming "Wow! Those actors are *so* talented!". And really meaning it."

What do you regret doing under the influence?

(, Thu 15 Dec 2005, 11:19)
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Many many moons ago.....
....I had had a good green day with an eighth of hash and was pretty skittled by about 8 in the evening. I watched the episode of brookside where Jimmy Corkhill took an overdose and nearly died. Heavens, my poor addled head did not take too kindly to that. The rest of the evening I variously

1. Thought poor Jimmy dying on the telly was me, not good
2. Almost rang my parents to make them come round and sort my life out and "make the drugs go away"
3. Was convinced that every noise was the police listening in the houses next door before they burst in and send me down for life coz I was such a bad and wicked man
4. Checked and rechecked the cooker and gas fires because one way or another, drugs or gas explosion, I was due to die that night, I HAD SEEN IT ON THE TELLY

and many more odd things I'm sure. Don't have these problems with beer, best stick to that methinks. Remember kids, drugs are great, but just sign this disclaimer please, it's nothing to worry about, you can read it later
(, Fri 16 Dec 2005, 9:32, Reply)

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