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This is a question Walkman Flashbacks

There you are innocently going about your day when suddenly a particular song transports you back to a specific time and place.

For me, Animotion's Obssession instantly brings back the fear and nerves of school exams. And you? Tell us all about it.

(, Thu 24 Mar 2005, 10:56)
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To this day
I can't hear John Lennon's "Starting Over" without feeling all creepy, because it was his big hit comeback single when he was murdered.

And for some reason, Pink Floyd's "Goodbye Blue Sky" started playing over and over in my head on Sept. 11, 2001, and didn't stop for days. I will probably associate that song with that day for the rest of my life.

"Look, mummy, there's an aeroplane up in the sky..."
(, Fri 25 Mar 2005, 0:44, Reply)

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