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This is a question Food sabotage

Some arse at work commands that you make them tea. How do you get revenge? You gob in it, of course...

How have you creatively sabotaged other people's food to get you own back? Just how petty were your reasons for doing it? Did they swallow?

(, Thu 18 Sep 2008, 15:31)
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Not food sabotage...
...but what the hell.

In 6th form we removed a pack of Lambert and Butler (cheap and nasty cigs) from our mate's bag while he was in a lesson, took one out and carefully removed half of the tobacco, replaced it with ground up dry sycamore leaves from outside, and then packed tobacco back into the end before putting it back in his bag.

He smoked it later on and didn't seem to notice, which says a lot for L&B.
(, Fri 19 Sep 2008, 18:10, Reply)

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