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Home » Question of the Week » Guilty Pleasures » Post 28533 | Search
This is a question Guilty Pleasures

You know, those little things you do when nobody else is around. OK so some of them are rude, but we reckon there are a whole lot more innocent ones out there: my g/f this morning admitted to climbing the stairs on all fours when I wasn't around, and loving it...

(, Thu 7 Apr 2005, 9:11)
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guilty pleasures
Wiping my cock around the mouth piece of the phone of the manager who last pissed me off, then watching them use it.
(That person now left and I cleaned the phone as I like the replacement)

Contributing to the office tittle-tattle by increasing the scandle quotient of a juicy bit of gossip by a factor of 10 and discretely telling others. Stand back and watch the fall out

Writing my blog, which catalogues the hell I am put through by my Mrs. When the shit hits the fan I will have a diary of every pointless arguement and humilation she has subjected me to.

Spending money "I dont have" on music.
"Where did you get the money for that?" "Oh this, I picked that up for a couple of quid (YOU GUILABLE COW!)"
(, Thu 7 Apr 2005, 11:11, Reply)

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