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This is a question Karma

Sue Denham writes, "I once slipped out of work two hours early without the boss noticing. In my hurry to make the most of this petty victory, I knocked myself out on the car door and spent the rest of the day semi-conscious, bowking rich brown vomit over my one and only suit."

Have you been visited by the forces of Karma, or watched it happen to other people?

Thanks to Pooflake for the suggestion

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:24)
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turtlehead's answer...
made me think...

A number of years ago I started a relationship of sort with what one could say was a female...

she had the flaps and bumps in the anatomically correct places, and didnt need to shave her face too often - so I was muchio happy.

Of course after the flirtacious period of me not getting any action - and her simply emptying my pocket of its money beans on a regular basis I got somewhat distracted... and therefore paid attention to others of the chest bulge variety...

one evening, whilst speaking to said person over the mdeium that is MSN, a mention was made of a funny article on a website called b3ta.com... over a year later, I get rid of the blonde mop head, in rather a blunt and systematic way... but I am left forever with the addiction that is b3ta....

arse -

never did manage to get into its pants so length was never an issue
(, Fri 22 Feb 2008, 11:20, Reply)

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