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This is a question Not Losing Your Virginity

Think back, way back, to when you were a spotty virgin.* It was all a bit overwhelming, wasn't it? I remember going to see a band as a teenager and standing behind a girl who I kinda liked, but who had been showing a lot of interest in a friend for the past week. She reached back and squeezed my leg.

I panicked. Brain decided that she'd clearly made a mistake and thought I was my friend: "Er, you've got the wrong bloke"

It was hours before I worked out what was going on.

So, tell us the stories of when you failed to lose your virginity - whether through your own ineptitude or simply because they scared the bejesus out of you.

* Apologies to spotty virgins out there. Wash.

(, Fri 27 Oct 2006, 12:13)
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so,so,so,so,so many stories
i guess i just didn't feel like i deserved to. tragic, really.

anyway, 'best' story: uni halls, first year, snuggled up next to a guy who i KNOW wants me, who is funny, smart, sexy, bit odd and lovely, wrapped in a blanket on an armchair in his room, watching a tiny telly, all on our own. this was so completely THE MOMENT. when suddenly, randomly, i get up and walk out. i don't know why, i don't know what made me do it, i'm still angry with myself even now. i am such a twat. i think that was the moment he finally lost patience with me, and would later regale me with stories of his new girlfriend's fetishes whilst i acted the 'platonic friend'. stupid. stupid. stupid.
(, Fri 27 Oct 2006, 14:11, Reply)

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