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This is a question PE Lessons

For some they may have been the highlight of the school week, but all we remember is a never-ending series of punishments involving inappropriate nudity and climbing up ropes until you wet yourself.

Tell us about your PE lessons and the psychotics who taught them.

(, Thu 19 Nov 2009, 17:36)
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i get this might be a bit of a tenuous link with PE lessons
does anyone remember the news a couple of years back when a school hired a registered sex offender as a boys pe teacher?

that was my school.

of course, when he left, there were a couple of idiots in my year that started saying one of the chemistry teachers had been looking down their tops and making lewd comments. given the bad press around the school at the time, an old man who'd not actually done anything wrong and would have been looking at retirement in a couple of years was fired almost instantly.

i went to a nice school, you can see.
(, Fri 20 Nov 2009, 15:39, Reply)

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