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This is a question Pet Stories

When one of my cats was younger and a lot fatter, he came bowling in from the garden with an almighty crash. Looking slightly stunned, he'd arrived into the kitchen having ripped the cat flap from the door and was still wearing it as a cat-tutu. Did I mention he was quite fat?

In honour of Jake, a well loved cat, who died on Wednesday, tell us your pet stories and cheer us up.

(, Fri 8 Jun 2007, 9:15)
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There I was sitting watching TV at about 1am on Saturday morning,
and the cat came in through the catflap and presented me with a vole. A not yet dead vole. The cat was justly proud of himself, and tortured it for a bit, biting off a bit of back leg, chewing its head, and generally giving it a pretty painful sending off from this world. As he was leaving vole blood all over the floor, I eventually picked it up by the tail and chucked it out into the garden, where the cat continued to torture the poor little fucker, til it was no longer moving. Then a fox came and took interest, so the cat, big fierce hunter that he is, decided discretion was the better part of valour, and retreated into the house, leaving the fox with a nice wee snack of Campagnol dans un jus de son Propre Sang…
(, Mon 11 Jun 2007, 13:26, Reply)

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