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This is a question Pet Stories

When one of my cats was younger and a lot fatter, he came bowling in from the garden with an almighty crash. Looking slightly stunned, he'd arrived into the kitchen having ripped the cat flap from the door and was still wearing it as a cat-tutu. Did I mention he was quite fat?

In honour of Jake, a well loved cat, who died on Wednesday, tell us your pet stories and cheer us up.

(, Fri 8 Jun 2007, 9:15)
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I've not read anyone's stories for this question because.
I generally leave it late before I reply to any QOTW's and I thought that I'd have a gander at this weeks question today.

I've seen the subject and it's made me cry.

My dog died yesterday and I'm doubly sad. I really miss him, he was, sad though this might sound - a loyal and loving friend. It was the first dog I've ever owned and I've had him for 6 years, he was brilliant. Today, it hurts, really hurts.

Why am I writing this, with a lump in my throat to a load of internet people I don't know? - I've no idea. Sorry if I've missed the point on the question.

I love dogs, and I cry when they go.

I'm male and 34 years old - is this sadness normal or am I going over the top here? I've got to stop, I need to get something to wipe the tears away from my keyboard.
(, Mon 11 Jun 2007, 15:46, Reply)

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