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Home » Question of the Week » Mad Stuff You've Done To Get Someone To Sleep With You » Post 76718 | Search
This is a question Mad Stuff You've Done To Get Someone To Sleep With You

Alexxx says "We've all gone a little too far at one time or another to get a girl, or a guy, to sleep with us. I've a friend who spent close to a thousand pounds orchestrating a terrible day for a collegue, so he could comfort her and get in her knickers. Only to find out she had a boyfriend, who proposed in order to cheer her up."

So, how far have you gone?

(, Fri 13 Apr 2007, 9:01)
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Got stoned...
When in lived in Albany (New York state capital for those not in the know), I was friendly with this older woman. Now she knew i was single, and told me that that she had a friend who was a couple of years older than me (i was 28 at the time, she was 33). She sends her my number and we start talking. One of our phone conversations gets around to sex. She says, for me pot gets me very horny, and very high. I say, I've never done any illegal drugs. Well we decied after about a week of talking to meet. We go to a dive bar in a local city called Troy - its a dump believe me, and we decided to head to my place, she says, since you've never gotten high, would you want to try? I jumped at it, got stoned, and found it made me hornier than a horse put to stud. I was so busy with her, i called out of work sick, and spent the better part of the next day fucking like i was done for. A week later it happened again. That was my last time with any sort of drug, although, her and I were involved for a about a year, sex was pretty good too. We're no longer involved, but i do send a christmas card to her and her husband.
(, Sun 15 Apr 2007, 22:43, Reply)

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