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This is a question Pubs

Jeccy writes, "I've seen people having four-somes, fights involving spastics and genuine retarded people doing karaoke, all thanks to the invention of the common pub."

What's happened in your local then?

(, Thu 5 Feb 2009, 20:55)
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Woman's Bogs
Oh, go on, I might as well contribute.

OK, what's the worst thing you've ever witnessed in your life. Footballers suffering from broken and dislocated ankles, the train accident victim on rotten.com, people shitting on each other..... GOATSE!? None of that matches up to what I've witnessed.

Back in 2002, I used to work for a bar/restaurant in a little known place of West Pelton called The Jingling Gate. It was just before christmas, and the place was it's regular heaving self, catering for more people than it could actually hold, maybes 350-400 people. In particular, this night was probably one of the busiest, and it was near madness. The bar was fully staffed, with a queue nearly 6 deep all the way a long, chart and christmas classic blearing out, dancefloor bending and flexing (as per normal) under the weight of the heffers jiggling about on it.

As this night drew to a close, me and me mate Kev were asked to inspect the women's bogs to make sure it was in a copable state for the cleaners in the morning. I really don't know why were asked to this, but it was the first time, and definitely the last.

So, off we trot down past the reception and in to an empty female washroom... only to be presented with the worst smelling, and disgusting sight I have ever seen. Infact, the sight was so bad, it has stayed with me since.

As we walked through the door, every inch of the flooring was covered in bog roll (toilet paper), some of it clean, some of it shitty, some of it, well, bloody! 2 of the three mirrors were covering in puke. The hand dryer had a used, filled condom on top of it. A pile of pink puke in the corner gave off a violent stink, on closer inspection, a used tampon resided in the middle of it. Both bins were overturned, contents strewing across the floor.

At this point, we had not even ventured in to any of the cubicles. Feeling rather sick from the stench of the bog, we decided to vacate them for a breather, and to collect some air fresher and rubber gloves.

After 2 or 3 minutes, we decided to check the cubicles. Six in total, with one having an out of order sign on. We decided to check this on first, all was well, relatively clean, except for the broken seat. Unfortunately, door number 2 produced a shocker. Inside, it could only be described as someone went for a shit, and ended up with a "jetski". Still to this day, I'm not even sure how the mess was three foot above the toilet sistern. We left this one, and moved on to door number 3. Inside was also bad, but not quite as bad as number 2. Instead was yet another used, filled condom on the sistern, and the bog full of black shit... someone obviously on the Beamish Black that night. Vacating that door, number 4 had two bloodied fanny pads lying on the floor.

We didn't bother with the other 2 cubicles, at this point me and Kev decided we weren't paid enough to deal with this shit. And that's exactly what we told the boss.

After much protesting, and the boss actually witnessing this for himself, he backed down from his prior request to sort the bog, and said he'd pay the cleaner double as a sorry.

And that, fellow b3tans, is the single worst sight I have ever seen in my life.

Length? About 2 miles worth of bog roll.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 14:11, 6 replies)
I've worked several jobs
where I've been responsible for either cleaning or at least checking both male and female toilets.

The women's toilets were always far worse.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 14:18, closed)
The same night, we had a look in the male bogs to make sure nee one was left in there, all we found was two half full pints, and a couple of cigarette butts.... complete alternative to that hell hole of a female lav like.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 14:20, closed)
it's a fact that women are more disgustingly messy and dirty than men
my flat in halls in my first year had 10 blokes in it, and was relatively clean for a student flat full of drunken stoners.

The flat upstairs was occupied by 10 girls, and it was a fucking hovel. mess everywhere, washing up mounting up.

Our cleaners loved us because the girls upstairs made us look so good!
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 14:25, closed)
I think there is a logcal reson for this.
Women make an utter mess of bathrooms, but come out clean and nice smelling (in general).

Us men typically carry that utter mess on our persons, and leave the bathrooms clean :)
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 14:28, closed)
for 'jetski'

i very nearly 'jetskied' my own undercrackers
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 15:13, closed)
The horror, the horror...
Things like this really depress me. From the manager who allows the place to be over-capacity (and hence inadequately-provisioned with toilets*), and thinks that a few hours of double pay will make up for the cleaners apalling working conditions (by morning it'll be dried-on and even worse to shift); to the patrons who are either drinking too much that they can't use a toilet correctly, or that they just don't care about anything that isn't theirs. I mean, how hard is it to flush?
(, Thu 12 Feb 2009, 19:30, closed)

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