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This is a question Rock and Roll Stories

My personal Spinal Tap moment came when we got locked into the Festival Hall in London by accident. We ended up wandering the maze of backstage corridors carrying a three foot high piece of cheese looking for the one door that would lead us to salvation.

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(, Thu 29 Jun 2006, 13:47)
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I was never in a band (apart from a pretend one as a kid called 'the screaming airheads')
But I was in a few orchestras during school and college.

Snapped my A- string on my viola (highest tone string)when tuning before a concert and did not have a spare (or knew how to add it). I was playing straight away and had to do 2nd position , which I was still knew to at the time, on the one next to it (D) to hit the notes. I somehow survived and did pretty well although my hand was aching.

I had to play later on that evening but luckily our conducter noticed my string was gone well before the next performance so he gave me a new one and strung it up just intime for my quartet
(, Thu 29 Jun 2006, 17:17, Reply)

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