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This is a question Real-life slapstick

Fact: When someone walks into a lamp-post it makes a very satisfying and hugely hilarious "Ding!" noise. However, it is not quite so funny when the post is in the middle of town and you are the victim. Tell us about hilarious prat-falls.

Thanks to Bob Todd for the suggestion

(, Thu 21 Jan 2010, 12:07)
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Not me but a friend of mine.

He had just got back from a nice two week stay in the Canary Islands and had picked up a pretty impressive tan that he thought the ladies would love.
On his way out of the terminal he notices two rather attractive ladies. A perfect test to try out his new look. He strolls over to the pair looking really cool and sophisticated and after a couple of minutes gets both phone numbers, result.
He then started to finally make his way out of the building and as he was walking backwards waving goodbye to the couple he fails to notice the stairs leading down the ground floor.
He went arse over tit and broke his arm in two places. As a bonus his new friends did administer first aid until the ambulance arrived.
(, Thu 21 Jan 2010, 14:31, Reply)

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