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This is a question Sleepwalking

A friend of mine once cooked an entire meal for two in her sleep, ate the lot and washed-up before going back to bed.
She has also awoken to find herself naked, on a fire escape in Fulham, confronted by two burly - and not to mention excitable - officers of the Metropolitan Police.

She doesn't even live in Fulham.

(, Wed 22 Aug 2007, 22:21)
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Long-time lurker, first-time poster - where do I start?
1990 - At Uni in campus flats - after acting as barman for a "cheese'n'wine" evening, was presented with a freebie bottle of wine. Aged 20, 6'0" and weighing a princely 9St. (I'm now somewhat heavier with a tolerance to match), I took the wine over to where a couple of stockier mates were presenting a campus radio show and we shared it out. I was paralytic in minutes and my mate Gary had to carry me home (cheers, pal - still grateful!). Woke up next morn in just my bathrobe and socks, tugging on... the door of the campus bldg. Realizing I had to get back to my 3rd-flr flat w/o keys, I rang the doorbell, hoping to be greeted by my next-door neighbour and partner-in-crime Mike: the door was answered by the resident God-botherer, who looked down her nose a bit before beckoning me in, reluctantly.

1995 - Visiting the (then) g/f's parents - woke up standing in their bedroom, 2 hours after I'd gone to 'sleep', wondering why their room wasn't the lavatory (didn't actually use it as one, though). We all still talk.

1997 - In a shared postgrad house - ditto, but substituted climbing under welded cushion covers for opening cupboard doors.

1999-2003 - Crashing chez ex-flatmate in unfamiliar room (several times) with a latched door - woke up frantically grabbing at cupboard-door handles.

2004 - Hotel in Marlborough after a wedding - ditto. I think I'm still banned...

I'll get me coat.

Oddly enuff, I've never sleepwalked at home, but I've done a lot elsewhere...
(, Thu 30 Aug 2007, 1:05, Reply)

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