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This is a question Teenage Crushes - Part Two

Freddie Woo writes: I've still got weird feelings for a well-known female TV presenter from the 1980s. I'm now in my forties, work in the same building as her and she follows me on a number of social networking sites. And now, she knows about it.

Tell us about the teenage crushes that still make you go wobbly.

(, Thu 5 Nov 2009, 11:04)
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Inspired by Meekman's brilliant post, my rebuttal as to why staring at the rose is better than grasping the thorns.

Unfortunately I'm two years out of teenage-hood, but let's not quibble. Let's be kind. Anyhow I had a crush*. Not a soul-destroyingly epic 'I love you and want to be with you forever so we can frolic naked in meadows and say I heart you with flowers,' just a normal run of the mill standard crush on someone probably three pegs above me on the attractiveness scale. Blond, tall, gorgeous, likes history, we'll call him Rob to protect his identity poor lad.

Now all conventional literature, all Brontes, girlmags, and everything else tells us to grasp the nettle. Be a (wo)man, risk rejection, risk a friendship for that one fleeting chance.

And I did. It didn't go well. It went horribly wrong. I could end there.

But to be fair maybe I went about this the wrong way. Well I was in a dress and very high heels to start with, never good when you're consuming vast quantites of alcohol. Two that alcohol was not a good idea. When you're down 17 shots, your judgement *may*- I stress *may* be impaired. Three tell someone you like them, don't swoop in for the kiss. They may not want to kiss the drunk.

Four- and this is the crucial one. Don't do all these things when they're sober.

In retrospect Meekman is probably right. It may be my own individual circumstances.

*Sadly I still have this crush. But no hope. Not anymore.
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 0:18, 8 replies)
So you were shitfaced
made a pass at this fella who was sober, and he wasn't interested?

Big deal. Not a good idea to pounce after 17 shots. Give it another go when you're sober. You never know 'til you try. And if he says no then fuck him (actually, no, find someone else and fuck them).

Loads n loads of people in the world n all that bollocks...
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 0:23, closed)
that I live in a small college and every person is intent on letting me know that they know, it's a pretty big deal. I mean this is a college that has lists in its gossip sheet of basically whose fucked who in the last month. And try pulling another man after that- the fuckers were laughing themselves senseless
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 0:26, closed)
We've all done stuff we regret
I find it helps with the gossip mongers to walk round radiating a 'fuck you' attitude. Any nonsense like that would soon stop. And this fella, if he's not interested don't beat yourself up about it. I can absolutely guarentee 100% there's somebody out there who feels the same about you as you do about him. Its just the way it is. Fucked up? Yep. But depending on how you approach it it can actually be a bit of a laugh.

Sorry, relationship advice from me is about as useful as a chocolate teapot...
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 0:32, closed)
pretend it didn't happen and if he's the nice fella you reckon he is, he won't bring it up/tell his mates. Then you can start from scratch! If he does bring it up, laugh it off with "oh did I? LOLOLOLOL I was sooooo drunk that night, sorry!" Then you can offer to take him out for a coffee or whatever to apologise, then maybe you can make some headway!

And don't give up, do what Spanky says and give it another go, and if he isn't interested, don't see it as you've blown it, just see it as he just ain't that into you. (Good film btw)

Good luck x
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 0:30, closed)
to you both. You're right. A fuck-it attitude is needed.

And possibly a non drinking week
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 0:51, closed)
Let's not go mental.
(, Fri 6 Nov 2009, 10:11, closed)
ah, the old college bogsheet
sadly seemed to manage to get in there far too often during my undergrad years.
(, Sat 7 Nov 2009, 17:50, closed)

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