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# pissed off mum
one fine boring day, when i was younger, my friend and i were dreaming up something to do...and then my cat walked by.so we got to thinking and i grabbed my cat, took a razor and shaved a bald line down his back...wasn't enuff, so we took some green food coloring and dyed the cat a nice dark green...wasn't enuff so ( and this part, in retrospect, was not very polite) we trimmed his whiskers short. Needless to say the cat wasn't impressed but we laughed our asses off. We let the cat on his way and he jumped into the house, as we wasted away on the stoop. Anyway, my mom came home from work, walked in the house and let loose a blood curdling scream - the kind of scream we all know as your death rattle...we ran into the house , and alll over the walls, about 6 inches above the floor was a horizontal green stipe where ther cat had tried to rub the food coloring off. Mom flipped out for the first time, saw the bald strip and flipped out again, picked up the cat ( thus soiling herself with green goo), flipped out again and then saw that it had teeny tiny whiskers - flip out. We spent hours scrubbing the walls ( which never came fully clean) and i couldn't sleep because the cat kept falling off things in the middle of the night.Mommy, i'm sorry.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 19:33, archived)