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# oh my god
i have way too many of these stories. as i said, i am going to hell.
one day, my friends and i were in a park smoking ,lotsa spliffs. we had a golf club and were hitting balls into the field, trying to see how close we could come to hitting a flock of gulls, who were loitering there. we ran out of balls, so we tried throwing rocks instead. my friend evan could throw like a madman, and he heaved this huge rock into the air, which hit a bird on the wing, tearing about half of it off. all the other birds took off and this one just ran around screaming its head off (as you will see, this is no pun intended).we were right fried and didn't know what to do.so dave suggests the only thing to do is to put it out of its misery. with the club.evan chases it down, steps on his neck and whacks the gulls head off like a golf ball on the fairway...little did we know there was a young family with thier child who were having a picnic not far from us, and had witnessed the whole thing. the mom shit her pants, the kid freaked out and the dad charged us frothing at the mouth and wanting to beat the piss out of us. he threatened to call the cops etc., we tried to calm him down , but then just ran off. it was horrible. as i said, i'll see you in hell.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 22:15, archived)