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# Had a rat as well,

two in fact.

They were loose in the lounge but the mrs let the cat in. Then there was one.

The thoughtful cat at least had the decency to leave the rat's perfectly preserved pelt, complete with back legs and tail on the doorstep as a pressie.

As the ex-rat had been the favourite of the kids my ever-sensitive older brother suggested the surviving rat wear his cage-mate's coat like a jumpsuit.
(, Wed 15 Oct 2003, 22:20, archived)
# similar
I had 2 rats loose in the lounge, forgot they were in there let the ferrets in (4 at the time)
1) try and catch rats
2) get bitten by highly scared rat
3) drop rat they deserve what's coming to them for biting.
4) 2 dead rats!
Total time: about 4mins of mayhem
(, Thu 16 Oct 2003, 13:41, archived)