sea monkeys seem very simalar to brine shrimps, for those of you who dont know what brine shrimps are,very small crustaions that are bred as food for pet fish.
so on one hand you have your supper amazing live sea monkeys a sceintific miracal, posibly one of the most advanced life forms on the planent, who in order to survive must have there water purified with amazing secret chemicials and most magical food.
or you have brine shrimps which cost about £4 for hundreds of eggs, can be grown in old coke bottles just need aa cuple of grams of salt in the water, and i think youl find there resembelence remarkable
its amazing what people can sell to kids
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Thu 16 Oct 2003, 20:15,
so on one hand you have your supper amazing live sea monkeys a sceintific miracal, posibly one of the most advanced life forms on the planent, who in order to survive must have there water purified with amazing secret chemicials and most magical food.
or you have brine shrimps which cost about £4 for hundreds of eggs, can be grown in old coke bottles just need aa cuple of grams of salt in the water, and i think youl find there resembelence remarkable
its amazing what people can sell to kids