...It lived in one of those fishtank like cages, with a tiny hole on one side, where the food thing clipped in. Next to this was my prized Almighty Singles Collection. The whole shebang was on top of a wardrobe in my back room. It had a slidy bottom, and all the bits and pieces were attached to the side of the tank, so all you had to do was get the hamster out, stick it in it's ball, slide out the bottom and clean it, stick in new sawdust, all that shite. Anyway - 'cos you didn't need to clean the top half all that often, we'd clean it roughly every two weeks.
Now, some friends from Scotland were staying at our house, camping down on the living room floor. The next morning, one of them said 'I had the weirdest fucking dream last night. I dreamt there was a cat pawing at my face' - now, as we didn't have a cat at that point, we laughed it off and blamed it on his inebriation. Off they went back to scotland. I looked in the cage, and there was a big fucking hole through my Almighty Singles Collection. The little bastard had gradually chewed through the little holes for the clips, through the cardboard of the singles collection, either shimmied or jumped off the wardrobe, climbed all over my mates face, crapped everywhere, and disappeared. To this day, I have no idea where it went.
Sorry for the long story with the shit punchline, but hey!
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Tue 21 Oct 2003, 20:00,
Now, some friends from Scotland were staying at our house, camping down on the living room floor. The next morning, one of them said 'I had the weirdest fucking dream last night. I dreamt there was a cat pawing at my face' - now, as we didn't have a cat at that point, we laughed it off and blamed it on his inebriation. Off they went back to scotland. I looked in the cage, and there was a big fucking hole through my Almighty Singles Collection. The little bastard had gradually chewed through the little holes for the clips, through the cardboard of the singles collection, either shimmied or jumped off the wardrobe, climbed all over my mates face, crapped everywhere, and disappeared. To this day, I have no idea where it went.
Sorry for the long story with the shit punchline, but hey!