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# More messages through felines
A dear friend of the family, Davy, was diagnosed with terminal cancer at 32. He told us about three months before he died, by which point he had accepted it and was incredibly chipper, and would even laugh and joke. He used to kid my dad on that he'd come and visit us from the beyond, but that he'd tap on the living room window first so as not to scare us shitless.

A week or so after Davy died, my mum had a dream that she was carrying Davy towards our house, and that as she went in through the door he turned into cat BuffPuff (stupid name, I know, but he was v. hairy). Anyway, a couple of days later, my mum and dad were watching the telly, when Buff appeared at the living room window, miaowing to be let in out of the chucking rain. Reluctant to traipse to the door, my folks ignored him and Buff disappeared. Only to reappear minutes later, soaking wet and miaowing accusingly at the living room door, a trail of wet cat footprints leading straight down the hall to the locked back door in the kitchen. The window was also shut, we have no catflaps, and the footprints led only to that door. There's no way he could have physically got in, and coupled with her dream, my mum is convinced to this day that it was Davy's way of saying 'hello'.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2003, 16:05, archived)
# buff puff
my friends cat is called fluff puff, lets hope these cats never have babys,
(, Mon 3 Nov 2003, 17:05, archived)