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# A different meaning of Worst Job....
About the worst job I've ever had is tech support for a fairly major home PC retailer. I knew a fair bit about computers when I signed up, went through a weeks' training (amazingly basic, a portent of things to come) and then saddled up for my first day.
Most of the calls were minor technical issues ( 'my PC can't see my Bluetooth printer ) etc etc. However, occasionally we would get a call from some family guy who had just spent £1200 on a PC for the family and obviously had absolutely no idea how to use it ('How do I write a letter to my mum?') Company policy obviously dictated we couldn't spend hours and hours teaching technovirgins how to use their systems. I'd often feel quite sad that they'd wasted so much money.
Still, the job paid well...
(, Sun 16 Nov 2003, 18:01, archived)