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# CASE 2
In the same house toward the end of my tenancy, another guy moved in. Was friendly enough, but I always felt a little on edge with him as he was like a powder keg waiting to explode.

He was clean to the point of obsession, and hated the fact that the place did not remain spotless 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By this point I was 'in charge' of the house and the bills much to my deep regret, so if anything was going wrong I was the first port of call.

As time went on, he became more and more eratic, and on several occasions came up to my room and physically threatened me over a noise that was coming from my place but could never be traced. Eventually, I found out was was a freezer two floors below me causing the noise, which just about appeased him.

It was around this time he moved into a room near the back of the house, and was put on long-term sick leave due to 'depression'. He started telling me that the place was being 'watched from the skies', and had managed to somehow destroy about £3000 of reinforced laptop because people were keeping track of what he was doing through it even though it wasn't on.

He also destroyed a few CDs I'd lent him on the ground I was using them to keep tabs on him as well, and that they were communicating back to the satellite beacons positioned above the house. It was hard to know what to expect one day to the next, but it was obvious he was becoming more aggressive with it each day, and his girlfriend was also greatly concerned.

Needless to say, I didn't really want to live with an utter schitzo any more, so I made alternative arrangements, and moved to a new place with my girlfriend and a mate of ours.

I later found out that our landlord had booted him out of the place about a month after that.

I'd imagine that was probably just before he redecorated everything he owned with tin foil.
(, Mon 17 Nov 2003, 15:25, archived)