...I had was a huge bloke called John. When we interviewed him (landlord chaired it and everything - very odd) he seemed like a nice bloke, bit of a rugger bugger but no-ones perfect. He mentioned that he sometimes worked from home and had the odd friend over, no problem as others in the house did the same.
About a week after he moved in we discovered he was stone deaf, worked as a salesman for a job and shouted for England. He had a landline installed in his bedroom and carried two mobiles about. He'd get up about 6.00am every morning, we knew this as from three floors down I could tell which TV channel he was watching - the horrible, horrible bastard! Every bloody weekday. He'd then proceed to shout into his various phones until the small hours.
To make matters worse I'd come home sometimes for lunch to find him and a few 'business colleagues' cooking up my fucking dinner after their meetings. This progressed to him getting keys cut for his business partners who'd randomly turn up to check for faxes and not at all to watch cable all day at our expense while they dreamed up get rich quick schemes.
He'd frequently hold dinner parties which he forgot to tell us about, the whole lounge would be packed with the most appaling hooray henrys bleating on about farms and the like
Everyone in the house naturally hated him and although we told him to bugger off he didn't budge. I moved out soon after I understand that once the landlord actually picked up his answer phone messages from us he fucked him off out of it in no uncertain terms.
Ok rant over.
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 15:36,
About a week after he moved in we discovered he was stone deaf, worked as a salesman for a job and shouted for England. He had a landline installed in his bedroom and carried two mobiles about. He'd get up about 6.00am every morning, we knew this as from three floors down I could tell which TV channel he was watching - the horrible, horrible bastard! Every bloody weekday. He'd then proceed to shout into his various phones until the small hours.
To make matters worse I'd come home sometimes for lunch to find him and a few 'business colleagues' cooking up my fucking dinner after their meetings. This progressed to him getting keys cut for his business partners who'd randomly turn up to check for faxes and not at all to watch cable all day at our expense while they dreamed up get rich quick schemes.
He'd frequently hold dinner parties which he forgot to tell us about, the whole lounge would be packed with the most appaling hooray henrys bleating on about farms and the like
Everyone in the house naturally hated him and although we told him to bugger off he didn't budge. I moved out soon after I understand that once the landlord actually picked up his answer phone messages from us he fucked him off out of it in no uncertain terms.
Ok rant over.